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The Preliminary Study On The Mirrorwith Immortal And Brutishness

Posted on:2013-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W M LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377460001Subject:Archaeology and Museology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The mirror with immortal and brutishness was used as early as the middle periodof Eastern Han Dynasty, it is not displaced until the Southern and Northern Dynasties,it is a very unique type of mirror in the Dynasty Han to Liu. The shape of the beautifulpatterns of the complex, cultural connotation of the rich and the working fine inChina, the mirror with immortal and brutishness are the most outstanding art worksin the development history of the ancient bronze mirrors.After decades of archaeological excavation, more and more bronze mirrors withimmortal and brutishness unearthed. The paper will be on the basis of known materialwith the archaeological excavation, it is a systematic study to the mirror type andstaged of the mirrors with immortal and brutishness in the archaeological typologyway and to sum up the main characteristics in different stages; So that we can masterthe generation of the mirrors with immortal and brutishness, the development of themirror type and the evolution rules of the decoration. According to a big difference ofdecoration, the mirrors with immortal and brutishness will be divided into eightclasses and make a study of typology. The author puts forward four-phase division:the first phase belongs to the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty(AD105—220), thesecond phase belongs to the Three Kingdoms to Western Jin(AD220—316), the thirdphase belongs to the Eastern Jin and the sixteen states to Southern and NorthernDynasties(AD317—479), the fourth phase belongs to the later stage of Southern andNorthern Dynasties(AD480—589).The biggest bright sport of the decoration is the immortal and brutishness. Basedon the analysis of the mirrors types and the research of decoration patterns, there arefive types of decoration. The engraved inscription is the important part of thedecoration and great variety, such as the inscription about the years is the firsthandmaterials. So the decoration reflects the aspiration of Chinese people to pray forwealth, Taoist religion and good fortune.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mirror with Immortal and Brutishness, Decoration, EngravedInscription on Bronze Mirror, Taoist Religion, Social Connotation
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