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A Contrastive Study Of Reduplication In Chinese And English

Posted on:2013-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377450683Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important language phenomenon, reduplication abounds in Chinese, Englishand other languages. This thesis makes an effort to analyze both Chinese and Englishreduplication from the aspects of phonetics, lexicology, syntax and pragmatics, and toconduct a contrastive study of Chinese and English reduplication using contrastivelinguistics theories. An attempt is also made to explore the translation of Chinese andEnglish reduplicative words and phrases.The full text is divided into three parts, namely Introduction, Main Part andConclusion.The significance of the selected topic, purpose of research and research methods arebriefed in Introduction.Main Part includes Research on Chinese Reduplication, Research on EnglishReduplication, A Contrastive Study of Chinese and English Reduplication, and Translationof Chinese and English Reduplicative Words and Phrases. Research on ChineseReduplication focuses on types, functions and cause of formation of Chinese reduplicativewords, while Research on English Reduplication explores types, grammatical function,semantic development and rhetorical effects of English Reduplication, making apreparation of the Contrastive Study. A Contrastive Study of Chinese and EnglishReduplication conducts a contrastive study of reduplication in Chinese and English usingcontrastive linguistics theories. Translation of Chinese and English Reduplicative Wordsand Phrases tries to sum up the general rule of translation through examples gathered.The research comes to the conclusion that reduplicative words and phrases in Chineseare more abundant and more varied in form than those in English; most Englishreduplicative words could be found in dictionaries; and Chinese and English reduplicationare nearly the same as to grammatical function and rhetorical effects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese and English reduplication, contrastive study, translation
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