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The Research On Translation In Korean Of Nor Thern River By Zhang Chengzhi

Posted on:2013-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374992092Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Northern River, originally published in the first issue of the magazine0ctober in year1984, is one of the representative work of Zhang Chengzhi and won the Excellent Medium-Length Novel Award in the magazine Selective Periodi cal of Medium-Length Novel in year1984. Northern River found strong echoes i n the literary arena through its gloomy lyric style, strong feature of mental analysis, and deep cultural details.This essay, which deals with the application of translation theories in i ts three parts, is based on the data bank of the Korean version of the novel, and analyzes the researchable data in the position of culture study and lite rature translation of comparative literature.This essay consists of four parts, and is divided into five chapters. The first part deals with the current status of studying Zhang Chengzhi. The fir st section concerns with domestic study of him, and introduces current studyi ng status of related topic through the method of statistic collection. The se cond section covers study of Zhang Chengzhi by the North Korean and South Kor ean literature circle on the basis of North Korean history of literature, Sou th Korean Chinese Contemporary Literature, related essays, and translation ve rsions. The third section involves the intention, studying method of the writ er and the content of the essay.The second part covers the literature and social atmosphere of the novel’ s creation and translation from three main aspects:context, understanding an d principle of the translator, purpose of translationThe third part is to analyze the translated version from the angle of lin guistic phenomenon:proverb translation (current status, faulty translation), nominal translation (faulty translation of nouns, numerals, classifiers), pred icate translation (faulty translation of verbs, adjectives). The fourth part i s an analysis of literary images of the translated version. The first section is a summary of how to translate literary images. The second part is about1ost images. The third part deals with creative translation, including analysi s of faulty translated sentences and omission. The last part is the epilogue, written as a summary of the whole essay. This essay attempts to center on the translated version of River North in an aim to put it into the context of related Korean nation and Chinese natio n’s cultural environment compare and analyze it using translation studies the ories. In this process, difference between cultures and phenomenon concerning literature works’acceptance and diffusion become increasingly clearly to th e readers. All in all, the aim of the essay is to promote translation practic e and translation theories.
Keywords/Search Tags:Northern River, translation studies, literary images, ereative translation, importance
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