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The Scenic Question Wing-sie And Tourism Research

Posted on:2013-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374991982Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Culture is the soul of tourism, tourism is the carrier of culture. Reflect the tourism and cultural characteristics, is the key to improve the core competitiveness of the tourism economy. From the perspective of industrial development in the now, the integration of the tourism industry and cultural industries, we can say that the inseparable complement each other. The profound meaning of the culture determines the value and taste of the tourism product, the scenic spots in addition to its own landscape, mining its cultural connotation is to enhance the attractiveness, competitiveness, influence key, but also the area of??sustainable development the core resources. Tourism as a carrier of culture, entertaining tour scenic Education in Entertainment, can our ancient brilliant culture widely propagated, from generation to generation. The title Wing-sie of the scenic spots as the essence of Chinese culture played a crucial role in the development of the tourism industry.In the long process of development of ancient Chinese poetry, poetry is not only a large number of natural scenic spots in Ode, and the masterpiece after another. In the creation of the attractions of the ancient Chinese title Wing-sie, the poet often is the description of the natural landscape and Streams, official travel, the search for immortality, Diaogu, seclusion, Yong Huai and other content together, so that title Wing-sie content of seclusion interwoven heart, the heart of an official all concern for the fate of the idea, and the meaning of nostalgia satirical, as well as all the experience of life and society. These poems not only the mountains and rivers, historical sites chromophore, and give people a pleasant scenic emotional, causing readers love the mountains and rivers, longing, and longing proud emotion. These poems through the landscape of mountains and rivers, historical sites and other praise, not only expresses the author’s thoughts and feelings, and aesthetic appeal, but also expanded the influence and popularity of the scenic spots.With the booming tourism industry, tourism industry has become a pillar industry of national economic development, travel literature study matured, scenic title Wing-sie works have gradually become the subject of concern of the researchers, this article Wing-sie to the scenic spots of the question The study by Wing-sie of our history, scenic question of development, the types of studies and summarized, and then depth study of its characteristics, which reveal the role of the scenic title Wing-sie in the tourism development process. Can be said that this article based on the study of the natural scenic title Wing-sie, can dig deeper into the historical significance of the scenic title Wing-sie, literary merit, but also rich cultural connotation of the scenic spots, can be said that both its historical significance, but also its practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scenic, Ode, creation features, relations impact
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