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The Natural Thought Of Goethe’s Aesthetic Thought

Posted on:2013-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HanFull Text:PDF
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German literary scholar and the eminent thinkers of encyclopedic---John WolfgangGoethe (1749-1832), have made an important influence to the development of aestheticthought in Germany, even in the world. In Goethe’s life, his interest is cover a lot and hasa wide range; he is not only famous as a genius poet and critic, but also famous for greatscholar, artists, thinkers and statesmen. In addition, Goethe has a strong interest in naturalsciences, especially is interest in anatomy, physiology, biology, geology, mineralogy,chemistry, physics and meteorology.At present the studies of Goethe has been involved in many aspects, but notexhaustive, from the relation material, we notice that now the research of Goethe is focuson the following five aspects: First, the study of Goethe’s literary work, the analysis ofthe characters image in the works, as well as Goethe’s literary ideas and worldviewsreflected from the behind of the works. Second, the analysis of Goethe’s life story, basedon the analysis of Goethe’s life experiences, further describing the trajectory of Goethe’sthought. Again, the comparative research of Goethe, comparing Goethe with other writers,further discusses the uniqueness of Goethe’s thought. Then, the overall grasp of Goethe,discussing from art, philosophy and nature, but only limited to list the view, don’t havethe deep description. Next, the study of Goethe’s philosophy is mainly focus on twoaspects: For the first is the research of Goethe’s view of nature, but is more attention tohis nature study behavior, is little contact to the aesthetics; For the second is discuss therelationship between nature and art, but is less focus on the behind reasons.In view of the current limitations existing in the research of Goethe, so when wediscuss the nature view in Goethe’s thought, not only is limited to interpret the natureview itself, but also have to further analysis the reason why Goethe format this view. Sothis article form such four aspects: nature, art, artists and the significance of Goethe’snatural research, while interpreting Goethe’s aesthetic ideas, paying attention to thethought behind the root, keeping this two aspects together and expecting to have a new findings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Goethe, nature, art, artist
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