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The Research Of "hai XP Ne" Form In Modern Chinese

Posted on:2013-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374977443Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"hai XP ne" is a specific sentence widely used in modern Chinese spoken language.Previous studies have not focused on this sentence systemly, based on the previousstudies, this paper intends to give this structure, including meaning and functiondetailed analysis and study. Text is divided into six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction part. Introduces the purpose and meaning,research related to this construction, frames the scope and object of research,introduces the related theories, methods and corpus source in the paper.Chapter Ⅱ firstly using the “Construction Theory” argues that" hai XP ne"is a typicalconstruction, and then based on structuralism, analyses the structural formula of thethree components, studies the "XP", analysis format syntactic function, and finallysum up the basic meaning of the construction is negative.Chapter Ⅲ studies the construction’s pragmatic functions and functions in a chapteruseing pragmatic theory. Argues that the pragmatic functions is negative evaluation,related to the anti-delta function defined and related meta-language, the politenessprinciple in communication also played a role. Duplicate, anaphora, and omit aremainly used in the textual cohesion.Chapter Ⅳ study the construction’s the emergence and development process from thediachronic inspection, uses Cognitive Linguistic theory to explain the mechanism ofthe construction and the existence of grounds.Chapter Ⅴ compares “hai XP ne”with the construction "daodi XP a " and "dou XP le".Examine their syntactic, semantic similarities and differences, and compares theirdeep semantic analysis from two levels of thinking finding that the effect ofexpression and emotional differences. Chapter Ⅵ is the conclusion part. The paper summarizes the issues discussed toillustrate the value of the paper, noting some future research directions to continue.
Keywords/Search Tags:“hai XP ne” construction, negative evaluate, conflicting anticipation, economical efficiency, discourse cohesion
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