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Comparative Study Of Lu Xun And Russian Classical Writers

Posted on:2013-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L S D L YaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374970079Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Using classification comparison as a platform, this research conducts comparative study of Lu Xun and three Russian classical authors. The paper can be divided into following components: introduction tells of Lu Xun’s interest in Russian literature and his contribution to spreading it in China; description of research method and meaning.The first part discusses Lu Xun’s favorite Russian writer Gogol works’ characteristics and influence on Lu Xun, elaborates Gogol and Lu Xun’s satirical art’s focus on realistic and symbolic. Lu Xun has a unique development of theory and different styles of the satirical art.The second part compares Chekhov’s and Lu Xun’s efforts in literary innovation and important contribution to the literary development of their respective countries. This part described both writers’ attraction to the creation of the small character, as well as their similarities and differences in this regard. The two writers’ similar social environment and strong sense of responsibility for the changes in the society and enabled them to be more consistent in their work. The third part contains the comparative analysis of Tolstoy and Lu Xun’s literary ideas’ similarities and differences. Both Tolstoy and Lu Xun are great humanitarians and spokesmen for the peasants, they both realise that it’s essential that literature has to face the reality of life. But in terms of artistic expression both writers are more different than similar, they are obsessed with realism, but Tolstoy’s realism reached the peak of the critical realism, while Lu Xun assimilated some of the factors of modernism.The research results in part four sum up what literary ideas and artistic inspiration Lu Xun got from Russian classical authors. Lu Xun took over the literary ideas artistic expression skills of the Russian classical writers, but, most importantly, he borrowed their literary spirit. He supported the principles of criticism succession, but in matters of humanism, dialectical materialism and others he retained a clear independent view in contrast to the Sun and the Creation literary societies, which blindly agreed with Russian literature circles and lost their own direction.The last part summarizes the entire study, including the key issues of Lu Xun’s succession of Russian writers’ criticism ideas, indicates Lu Xun’s literary experience importance for the development of literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Xun, Russian classical authors, comparative studies
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