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The Research About Classical Music And Child Life Education

Posted on:2013-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374969181Subject:Pre-primary Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Music is the language of life and the most primitive melody, but classical music is "classical" music and the focus of the spirit of life. Early childhood life has infinite possibilities、generative and creative, we should protect children’s these qualities of life in art education so that they could be developed fully. Large number of studies found that young children listening to classical music could be beneficial to the brain, intelligence, imagination and ability for the healthy growth. The focus of this study would explore the contact of classical music and early childhood life, tap the meaning of life in the classical music, and think about its value to the education of young children’s lives.This study consists of four parts.Part Ⅰ:Introduction. Asking questions, classical music has the meaning of life, and has close ties with life. The paper will explore the contact between classical music and childhood life education.Part Ⅱ:Pursuing the research of classical music and children’s lives education. This chapter will pursue the research of ideology about classical music and child life education in two ways. Firstly, introducing the idea of life education, and learning about life, life education, child life education and inquiring connotation of life education. Secondly, it will explore classical music roots and origins in term of human, and will reveal the background of generation of classical music through revealing the human’s image of music, after described the context of the development of classical music to understanding of classical music more detailed.Part III:The intrinsic ties of classical music and child life will reveal the intrinsic and inherent contact of classical music and child life、child life education from Respectively from the two aspects of classical music and life of individuals、classical music and culture of life of the community of life.Part IV:The pedagogical reflection of classical music and child life education. This chapter will think the reflection of classical music and child life education and explore that what can classical music bring to the child life education from the perspective of pedagogy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Classical Music, Child Life Education, Contact
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