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On The Thought Of Photography And Art Expressive Force

Posted on:2013-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374954251Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the high-speed information age, digital photography make a spurt ofprogress, the computer is widely used. Photoshop post-production is simple andconvenient, the Chinese cinema seems to show unprecedented prosperity. But wehave to admit, in progress at the same time, some people become more and more"weapons " theory, utilitarian, restless, plus the Chinese contemporaryphotography standards of value and price standard seriously out of line, all kindsof crudely made similar type, a running account type ephemeral works even come.Some people blindly follow in previous winners in photography, and mimic itswriting style, some investment, lack of its own unique artistic expression andimagination, resulting in many works are all follow the same pattern, but toosimplistic, feeble, moan and groan without being ill, the lack of one’s real feelings,lack of basic photographic art language, a certain aesthetic value, academic value,the lack of inheriting excellent traditional culture, publicizing the spirit of thisnation fine tradition and drawing useful foreign culture innovation consciousness.This paper mainly from the four parts of the photographic works of theideological content and artistic expressive force of. The first part, based on thecurrent photography growth and development current situation, existing problems,and further study this topic the importance and necessity of. The second part, onthe history of photography in China in the quality work which contains the thoughtand art of in-depth analysis, pointing out the phantom flooding from traditionalmaternal basic situation, emphasizes the thought and art in photography and theimportance of the relationship between the two. The third part, indicating the lackof Ideological and artistic flush as cannot afford the test of history, and tosummarize the work part of the short-lived. The fourth part points out the directionof development, photography, call today’s photographers should further creation with Chinese style, Chinese style boutique photography, inherit the tradition andjump out of the traditional, creative boutique.
Keywords/Search Tags:ideological, artistic expression, boutique photography
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