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The Being Of Meaning And The Meaning Of Being

Posted on:2013-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X XinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374492970Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The purpose of Heidegger’s attention to the issue of the meaning of being is closely related to his reflection on the issue of the object domain of logic. From the end of19th century to the beginning of20th century, the debate on logic, whether it is a prescriptive science or a factual one, occurs between psychologism and anti-psychologism. The rise of phenomenology and analytical philosophy ultimately overcome the psychologism tendency in logic. The object of logic is not the reality invested by the science but the content of the judgment, which is to say the meaning.The research on the constitution of meaning, however, always involves the cognitive subject which as the place in which the judgment occurs. And the judgment of behavior which has always been researched through the perspective of psychology belongs to the domain of reality. So how to resolve the difference between the domains of meaning and reality has become an extremely sticky issue.To see from a more fundamental view that the truth of judgment isn’t decided by the act of judgment but the meaning which belongs to the idealistic being. So the formal true-conditions investigated by logic belongs to the meaning, to this extent, logic are provided with the features of ontology which investigate the being of the beings. Then the issue of how to solve the difference between meaning and reality is to solve the difference between being and beings. From this way, Heidegger’s issue about the meaning of the being actually contains three levels of progression which from the being of the meaning (about the clarity of the object domain of logic) to the meaning of the meaning (the doubt of ideogenetic existence) and to the meaning of the being (make a distinction about the concepts of beings). The possibility of clarifying the formal-ontology’s normative function on the realm of reality is depended on demonstrating the understanding of the concept of being traditionally. Actually, Heidegger’s method is not to solve the problems between meaning and being or being and beings but tracing back to primordial circumstance in which let us know the reason why those differences occur. The issue about the meaning of being involves to the way of understanding of being in our daily life and the method of how to clarify it can be the ontology of hermeneutic which is applied in Being and Time.Although in his most writings, Heidegger holds a critical attitude to logic, we should distinguish it from his purpose. Heidegger had never deny logic which plays an essential role in our cognition, however, if the difference between meaning and reality has been existed, and if we found it is a troublesome problem which has never been solved successfully till now, what we need is to disclose and understand why this problem would happen. Only from this perspective can we understand the ultimate purpose of the issue of the meaning of being proposed by Heidegger.
Keywords/Search Tags:Logic, Meaning, Being, Foundation
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