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A Study Of Liu Zhongde’s Translation Principles And Their Application

Posted on:2013-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y MaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374477666Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an outstanding translation theorist as well as translator, ProfessorLiu Zhongde is well known for his three principles of “Faithfulness,Expressiveness and Closeness”(“Xin, Da and Qie”, or “信达切”).Although there are quite a number of studies that discuss his translationprinciples, yet there is a lack of integrated research on his principles andtheir application. Thus, this study is quite essential and significant.First, this thesis briefly introduces Liu Zhongde’s life and career,before it mentions the necessity and framework of this study. Next, thethesis overviews major studies of Liu’s “Xin, Da and Qie”, including acomparison of “Xin, Da and Qie” with two other eminent scholars’principles. Then, the thesis provides a brief account of Liu’s translationprinciples and illustrates their feasibility. Finally, it makes a comparativestudy of Liu’s two versions of Emma by analyzing typical examples in thelight of his “Xin, Da and Qie”. This comparative study is intended toprove that Liu’s1993version, which is faithful, expressive and as close aspossible to the original style, is better than his1982version, for heapplied his own principles to his translation of Emma in a morerewarding manner in1993. This comparison further verifies thepracticability of Liu’s translation principles.Evidently, this study can contribute to a better understanding ofLiu’s translation principles and help us apply Liu’s “Xin, Da and Qie” in amore effective way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Zhongde, his translation principles of "Xin, Da and Qie", acomparative study of Lius two versions of Emma, application, feasibility
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