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A Study Of The Postmodern Characteristics Of Microblogging Fiction

Posted on:2013-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374469935Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
While microblogging is rapidly growing in China, microblogging fiction, a novel form of literature which relies on microblogging platforms, has been becoming more and more popular. Despite the remarkable rise of microblogging fiction, the Chinese academia has not paid much attention to its value in literary theory and criticism. As a nascent genre of electronic literature and a new phenomenon in popular culture, a theoretical study on microblogging fiction is undoubtedly of great significance. Meanwhile, many authors and media have questioned the theoretical and existential importance of microblogging fiction. For instance, some argue microblogging fiction lacks the fundamental elements of fiction; some doubt its potential for publication (i.e. the commercial potential). Given the significance of microblogging fiction is highly controversial in China, this study has attempted a thorough discussion on the postmodern characteristics and the value judgment of microblogging fiction, from a perspective of literary theory.Since the very day when microblogging was invented, it had been predictable that microblogging fiction would emerge sooner or later. Nowadays, microblogging fiction has been one of the standard features among different microblogging platforms. Microblogging fiction is a genre of electronic literature that vastly differs from traditional literature in composition and communications, resulting in a unique way of communicating and reviewing. Microblogging fiction originates in microblogging, a postmodern media that determines all the postmodern characteristics of microblogging fiction, which in turn eliminate the contrast between high culture and popular culture. By using various means with postmodern characteristics such as parody, the authors of microblogging fiction destruct some classic works to achieve their own expression, while making the presentation more acceptable by general audience. Benefited by the social network features of microblogging such as forwarding and following, microblogging fiction is no longer simply centered on expressing the author’s message, but a genre of reader-centered literature, focusing on the thinking of and the interaction with the audience.In a postmodern perspective, microblogging fiction is revealed as a nascent genre of popular literature with both the attributes inherited from traditional literature and those defined by modern society. It raises a possibility of establishing a brand-new theory of literary criticism, by being distinct from traditional literature in many aspects including topic, configuration, expression, communication, and consumption. Microblogging fiction is a symbolized icon. It represents a new connection between daily life and literature, which is the real significance of its existence and evolution.
Keywords/Search Tags:microblogging fiction, Postmodernism, Characteristics, Significance
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