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A State About The China Rural Survey Of The Intelligentsia In The Republic Of China (1925-1935)

Posted on:2013-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J GeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374469298Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rural problem is the most fundamental and important issue in Chinese society. There was an unprecedented crisis in Chinese rural community in1920s. The rural community has gradually become the point of focus of the intelligentsia and the government at that time. Meanwhile, the chinization of the western sociology and economic afforded a scientific way to research the rural community. As a result, a boom of rural community survey was set off in China from1920s to1930s. Besides the survey organized by the National Government and the CPC, the rural survey presided by the intelligentsia also played a significant role at that time. There were several groups among them including the Institution of Higher Education Group represented by John Lossing Buck, the Scientific Research Institution Group represented by Chen Hansheng and the Rural Construction Group represented by Li Jinghan. This thesis tries to make an overall and systematic research and compare on the rural survey between the groups of the intelligentsia from the aspects of the background of the Rural Survey Movement, the survey of the three main groups of the intellectual, the compare between the contents and the impact of the survey.The Rural Survey Movement held by John Lossing Buck, Chen Hansheng and Li Jinghan, together with its achievements have significant value in academic. These achievements not only afford valuable reference material in the survey data and survey way, but also promote the chinization of the western sociology and economic. At the same-time, their cognition towards the rural community crisis also had a certain impact on the rural policies of both the National Government and the CPC. The fine tradition of Chinese intellectual’s concerning on the country and the people’s destiny should be continue to carry forward by the intellectual today.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Survey, the Intellectual, John Lossing Buck, ChenHansheng, Li Jinghan
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