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Diffcult Breakthrough

Posted on:2013-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C R ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374464167Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Su Xuelin on the history of modern Chinese literature is a legendary figure, some Reviewer’s evaluation of her is mixed. Her identity is multiple, women writers, women critics, feminist scholars. There will be conscious or unconscious of her distinctive female consciousness in the literature will show. In this paper, I mainly from four aspects on Su Xuelin and her text to give a wide range of feminist interpretation, and to explore her status and value of the whole literary history.The first chapter discusses Su Xuelin’s pursuit of female consciousness in literary. This part autobiographical novel "jixin" to explore that, Su Xuelin try any efforts to fight for the right of study. When face to choose her marriage, unexpectedly,accept an arranged marriage for her mother. Precisely because of this unfortunate marriage to achieve Su Xuelin’s achievements in her careers, which the women took to the road of self-reliance.The second chapter discusses the components of conception in Su Xuelin’s essays "green day". This chapter is around Su Xuelin’s not happy marriage, but she fictional harmonious and happy married life, then to discuss the deep-seated reasons. Su Xuelin tectonic a beautiful lie is derived from a woman’s inner desire of happiness. And lies are not fake, it contains a women reflection on life.The third chapter discusses Su Xuelin’s conception of the family and the destiny of the nation. This part focuses on Su Xuelin’s the economic independence and build a unique family with her eld sister, then integration her aticle to explores her concept of the family. The subjects and content of Su Xuelin’s literary creation has greatly expanded after face to the national crisis,she beyond the average female perspective and showing the men strong character.The fourth chapter discusses Su Xuelin’s literary criticism and academic achievements. This section describes Su Xuelin break the existing status quo of the literary world as a female.She has sticked to the philosophy of literature, and has made great achievements in literary criticism by the unique way. More valuable, regardless of the academic community can not accept her academic thought, she still engaged in her owe academic research until the end of his life.In this thesis, the author trys to interpret Su Xuelin’s feminist nature of the whole contents by the analysis of the her literary creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Su Xuelin, Literary creation, Feminst
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