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The Fable Of Body

Posted on:2013-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371996766Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the70s and80s of the twentieth century, the ideological trend of deconstruction advocated by French philosopher Jacques Derrida swept across the western academia. This is a movement of unprecedented grand overthrowing and deconstructing the traditional cultural ideology, which soon spread to the world and further affected philosophy, aesthetics, literature, art as well as other fields. The deconstruction depend on non-organization, non-fundamental, non-central principle and use uncertain, fuzzy, games and other ways and means to deconstruct the traditional cultural order. In art field, deconstruction no longer follows the theory of the author and the work center, but from all aspects of the different dimensions reflect the trend of the current status quo of the art, the concept of fixed type and value criteria deconstruction. This trend has a value orientation perfectly matches the strong rebel subversion characteristics patriarchal authoritarian feminist art.Labeled with "body allegory", this paper tries to figure out the importance of body to be source of intention and visual form. Starting with the positive meaning of deconstruction theory by Derrida, through the analysis for productions of kick off·Smith and other artists, purpose to find the inner spiritual connection of Derrida’s deconstruction theory. Elaborated the early nature of tendencies feminist strategic to the deconstruction of the ideological trend of the transition reflects a new concept of creation and the conscious awareness of cultural deconstruction. This deconstruction of consciousness to penetrate into the practice of art, it makes the female artists in a relaxed culture, to experience life, savor the fun of art brought to life, and through woven to create the text be extended in the interpretation of "the fable of the body" in real scenario of humankind. This paper hinted that feminist artists should have artistic conceiving and composing inspiration, without time, space, conditions, situation and speeches restriction, based on which female art is encouraged to explore new space for developmental progress of feminism. It is hopeful to provide more templates for diversified development of female art. broaden visual angles, supply female art history with references and to enhance self value and cultural value of modern females.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deconstruction, Female art, Body
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