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A Study Of Psychological Verbs In Modern Chinese

Posted on:2013-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371990973Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The object of this thesis is one hundred and six psychological verbs in modernChinese and the most of the Corpus come from CCL. The thesis mainly works at theverbal valence of these one hundred and six psychological verbs and the further studyabout their cognitive analysis.There are seven chapters in this entire thesis.Chapter one is the introduction part. It mainly introduces the present researchsituation about the subject of this thesis and also puts forward the points, purposes andsignificances about the research.Chapter two leads a basic role of the whole article. In this chapter, the authoradopts some theories about verbal valence of Fan Xiao (1996) to make the onehundred and six verbs separation into two classes: seven monovalent psychologicalverbs and ninty-nine bivalent psychological verbs.Chapter three and four are the most important parts of the thesis for theydemonstrate the complete usage of the one hundred and six verbs and the followingthree problems are studied and discussed: the semantic features and the syntacticalfeatures of these verbs and their sentence patterns. One thing to be mentioned in thispart is that it is found out that some verbs have different usages as Meng Cong’sChinese Verb Usage Dictionary.Chapter five deals with the comparison of the two kinds of psychological verbs.The comparison, which is based on the research achievements of chapter three andfour, is also classified into two parts: the semantic features’ differences and thesyntactical features’ differences. The conclusion is that their semantic features’differences are not varies and the main difference on the syntactical features is thecondition of taking objects.Chapter six is the principle part as well as the most revolutionary portion. That is,with the help of LCG, FCG and Spreading activation theory, the thesis comes up with a truly original approach–the cognitive analysis--to study the verbal valence of thepsychological verbs.Chapter seven is the last part of the whole thesis. It mainly deals with theconclusion of the article and also puts forward that something to be desired. Forexample, the study does not combine with the teaching of Chinese as a foreignlanguage.
Keywords/Search Tags:psychological verbs, verbal valence, comparative analysis, cognitiveanalysis
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