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A Translation Project Report Of A Poisoned Environment: Challenges For The Next Millennium

Posted on:2013-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q CengFull Text:PDF
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This is a translation project report on A Poisoned Environment: Challenges forthe Next Millennium written by the famous Canadian environmentalist Kathleen Reil.It is included in a thesis collection: Canadian Society: Meeting the Challenges of theTwenty-first Century edited by Dan Glenday and Ann Duffy. The background and thestatus quo of Canadian environmental problems, the roles that each class of thesociety plays in environmental problems and the analysis of various environmentparadigms are discussed in the thesis. The translation project report is divided intofive parts: Part One is the translation project description that describes the background,significance and structure of the project. Part Two is the background of the source text,including the author introduction and source text analysis. Part Three is the analysis oftranslation difficulties. The source text is a strictly written thesis that presents manyprofessional theories. As a result, there are many professional and exclusivevocabularies and complexly structured sentences. Therefore, in order to correspond tothe source text, the translator needs consult various professional materials and makeconscientious analysis. Part Four mainly talks about the translation methods, whichincludes literal translation, free translation, and amplification and so on. Part Five isthe conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:A Poisoned Environment, Challenges for the Next Millennium, vocabulary, sentences, literal translation, free translation
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