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From "Journalistic Work" To "Literary Work"

Posted on:2013-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371990834Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The “Potato Faction”, born in the1950s, is one of the Chinese contemporarynovel schools. With Zhao Shuli as its represent, the members include Ma Feng、XiRong、Sun Qian、Li Shuwei、Hu Zheng, etc. For a long time, we have been payingmuch attention to their status as writers and peasant writers, but neglecting theiranother important status----Proletarian Journalists. In fact, their special workexperiences from the special status played an extremely important role in the school.Based on Wang Xing’s research, this paper intends to select the school’s leadingwriters’ journalistic experiences as its basic research perspective and analyze theirrepresentative works in order to find out its influence on the formation and features ofthe “Potato Faction”. Furthermore, it also points out the side-effects caused by theirexperiences, thus further deepening and bettering the research into “Potato Faction”.Beginning with the brief introduction of “Potato Faction”, the introduction partfirst describes the status of related researches and then expounds the reasons forwriting according to the existing problems. That’s to say, this paper tries to breakthrough the inherent thinking models and research perspectives and discuss the schoolwith the writers’ journalistic experiences rarely talked about as its starting point.Taking Zhao Shuli as the key research object, the first chapter introduces thejournalistic experiences of the writers of “Potato Faction” which is poorly known.Besides, the paper also indicates that the journalistic experiences have created a lot ofwriters in the world and a lot of works with special taste in our country by taking thefamous writers at home and abroad as examples.On the base of previous work, the second chapter mainly discusses the influenceof the writers’ journalistic experiences on the formation of the school from threeaspects: thought bases, writing materials and literature transmits. Although, theexperience had no direct effect on the formation of the school, it helped the writersrealize their transformation and become a collective.The third chapter talks about the influence of the writers’ journalistic experiences on the features of the school by analyzing the related works. It is the focal point thatthis paper describes. We may say, all the features such as time efficiency, succinctness,mass and objectivity are benefited from the experiences. For them, the journalisticwork is also a perfect experience that no other writer limited in literary communitycan have.The conclusion mainly includes two aspects. On the one hand, it summarizes thefull paper and reiterates its main points. On the other hand, it also points out theside-effects caused by the writers’ journalistic experiences and the direction for thefollowing research.
Keywords/Search Tags:“Potato Faction”, journalistic experiences, influence, formation, features
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