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Study On The Well-konwn Doctor Chun Yuyi In Western Han Dynasty

Posted on:2013-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S F MenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371986833Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ChunyuYi, a celebrated psychosomaticist who lived in the early Western Han Dynasty, The biographical note of ChunyuYi can only be seen in "RECORD OF THE HISTORIAN", There is either difference between the record of ChunyuYi’s life story and his actual life or the note is rather too sketchy. What’s more, the deficiency of relevant documents also has a negative effect on dynamism of descendant’s studies on ChunyuYi. The aim of this paper is to attain objective understanding about ChunyuYi by summarizing relevant documents and researching the years of birth and death, native place, position, and the reason for his " medical imprisonment""RECORDS OF THE GREAT HISTORIANS" has extracted a part of medical activities of ChunyuYi,"medical case study", that is the oldest medical record which has been written and also provides the after ages with the most original documents in studying ChunyuYi’s medical achievements. In diagnostics, ChuyuYi has enriched and developed "four diagnostic methods". In therapeutics, ChunyuYi’s inheriting and innovation of medical science, especially the way in which doctors cure patients by prescription has promoted Chinese pharmacy development. As a valuable medical biography, not only does "medical case study" truly reflect the medical developmental level, but supplies people with powerful evidence in examing and correcting the time when the classical documents of Chinese medicine were written in the early Qin Dynasty. For this reason, medical case study plays a vital role in medical history.ChunyuYi’medical achievements are the results of his inheritance of the theories of medicine in the early Qin Dynasty and the influence on him by culture in the ancient state of chi in what is today’s shantung together with academic ideology of jixia Academy and constant innovation during clinical practice as well. Additional, his unique medical thinking is quite an important factor promoting his great success and this sort of medical thinking possesses a real reference value.This paper aims at recovering the true meaning of the famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and discussing the inner laws of its development and its reference function on the revival of modern Chinese medicine by researching ChunyuYi’s life story,studying his medical achievements and philosophizing about his medical idea.
Keywords/Search Tags:western Han dynasty, ChunyuYi, medical case study, history ofmedicine
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