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The Critical Nature Of The Marxist Philosophy

Posted on:2013-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371981889Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article aims to grasp the internal logic and spiritual essence of thephilosophy and critical nature by combing through the history of philosophy. Fromthe critical nature of Ancient Greek Natural Philosophical Ontology is reflected inreflection and questioning of metaphysic world, to Medieval Philosophy becomes atool of religious theology to prove itself, the critical nature of philosophy is graduallylosing. After Modern Philosophy comes into being an epistemology steering, therelationship of thinking and being becomes a basic question of philosophy, under therational guidance philosophy begin to find foundation about presence of the outsideworld from subject itself. Under the rational guidance, philosophy began to findfoundation about presence of the outside world from subject itself. Then the point ofphilosophical criticism turns from the outside world to inspection and examine ofhuman being’s cognitive ability. Empiricism proceed from the feeling of people, atlast trend to skepticism, rationalism proceed from human reason, at last trend todogmatism. So, Kant made philosophical criticism point to the premise of criticalabout theoretical thinking, found object foundation that science how to be fromhuman’s prior cognitive ability thus open a new visual threshold of Criticism ofGerman classical philosophy.Hegel completed all criticism about metaphysical mental field by using AbsoluteSpirit, thus finished western metaphysics by using world and rational and logical.Feuerbach opened a gap from Hegelianism metaphysical the world of spiritual leadingto physical perceptual world by using human science, paved the way for Marx wholead philosophical criticism into practice areas. The exceed of Marx towards Germanclassical philosophy is transformation about nature of philosophical criticism fromspirit to reality, from idea to social, from religion to political, from Kingdom ofHeaven to this mortal life. By reading up on the text of Marx, this article fullyexpounds the critical nature of Marxist philosophy of the inner contents through thepractice of criticism, the history of the criticism, the methodology of criticism.Marxist philosophy realized the transformation of the philosophy by critiqued fromthe perspective of practice, including criticism from practical relation to cognitiverelations, from practice subject to thinking subject and from practice to cognitiveactivities. Also it had established historical materialism from history, includingcriticism of Historical premise of perceptual existence, criticism of Historical dynamic of the productive forces and criticism of the historical point of humanliberation. Finally it had demonstrated reality, negativity and generative nature werethe principle of criticism of practical dialectics from the angle of Methodology, andCharacterize Practical Dialectics is the essence of the times, it was beyond theprevious, triggered the social change, led the people to the bright future.Chinese theory field exist a question that the critical nature of philosophy lost inthe process of Marxist philosophy in China. For this reason, theoretical research of thecritical nature of Marxist philosophy possesses higher rational value and practicalsignificance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Nature of Philosophy, Critical
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