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The Analysis Of The System Of Banshou In The Wei Jin Southern And Northern Dynasties

Posted on:2013-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371976256Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The system of Banshou is an importment Official Appointment System in the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, mainly refers to the Chief Executive of the local military and others self-selection of officials not by the Ministry of Personnel.It derived from the form of central government grant officers to the board in Han Dynasty, and inherited as an endowment policy by the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Its appearance was the result of the local forces’s expending and the centralization weakening. Its development always gone through with the period of bud formation in the Three Kingdoms Dynastry,the period of development in the Jin Dynastry, the period of mature peak in the Southern Dynastry, and the period of decline in the Northern Dynastry.The most essential characteristics of the Ban shou system is self-appointed officials. It is because of this characteristic, its appoint officials has a great deal of flexibility. There are the prince, the Bagong, the general, the provincial governor and the Taishou to exercise the authority. Among the all kinds of Banshou, there are the generals, the provincial governor, the Taishou, the Zhangshi, the Sima, the Canjun, the Xing-canjun, the Ziyi-canjun and others was granted. In the latter,the Banguan of Ban-zhangshi, Ban-sima, Ban-canjun and other Banguan were produced.However,no matter what types of Banshou, the Banguan must be in the same system with the main government official, and also have a certain grade restrictions.As the product of the system of Banshou, the Banguan is a special group in the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties. Such officers is not the formal officers, they have no salary, no stamp and no specific work. In addition, many aspects of their social status, political and economic treatment are lower than the officials who were granted by the central government. Howere, as the private-shuli, the relationship wih the main government was closely, and this special relationship can provide convernience for their future careers.At a later stage, served as a Banguan may accumulate official capital for the official’s promotion;some peoples have even entered the career.In addition, it is also a springboard to re-enter the career for those who were leaving their positions because of illness,funeral and others reasons.Because of the Banguan could provide a way to into the career or have a chance to promote, therefor, the Nine-grade system dominant in the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, it exists contributed to the formation of the Poorfamily-politics and had a tremendous impact to the society at that time. The system relatively ease the conflict between the central and the locial,it also absorbes a lot of talent for the state and can improve the efficience of the military, and also reduced the country’s financial burden. At the same time, it also caused some negative impacts can not be ignored. Its existence caused chaos on the local place, and became the tools of the rebels, and seriously affect the normal rule of order.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties, Ban shou, Ban guanXing-canjun, Ban-canjun
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