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A Study Into Wang Guanquns Works Of Song Words-writing And Composing

Posted on:2013-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371489557Subject:School of music and dance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the face-to-face interview outcomes and a collection of related documents regarding toDeputy Profess Wang Guanqun, the reputed Henan-born composer, this essay is to serve three objectives;drawing a conclusion on his song-writing achievements for sixty years; systematically analyzing,researching into characteristics and art forms of Wang Guanqun’s composing works; endeavoring to a fairassessment on his composing works’ art values and contributions in the composing domain of Henanprovince.The main body of analysis and research will be divided into three chapters.Chapter1sketches out Wang Guanqun’s art career and social activities from below aspects; thepursuing journey of education, a brief description of work experiences, social activities he has beeninvolving with.Chapter2researches into his contributions on song words from the perspectives of sense of era andwell-shaped art styles. It is easy to identify the long time-span and sense of era from the172songs he wrote.The lyrics’ forming technique and major art characteristics are unveiled as;1. Persistence on usingcolloquia language to express words meaning precisely;2.Expressing words’ spirit vividly via specialseasons;3.Using famous lines to reinforce inner conceives of words and sense of heaviness;4. Pursuing themusical charm of words to realize the ease of singing.Chapter3studies his songs by analyzing his unique musical technique of expression and the creationof rhythm. The228songs are a true manifestation of collective interest of the nation and general public, areflection of fresh feeling and sense of era, and the children songs of them embodied with funny pleasant toachieve a remarkable educational effectiveness. It is the result of his maneuver on integrating folk toneswith other forming techniques. Having analyzed his songs’ structural features, the findings can beconcluded as below,1. Emphasizing theme by rigid lyrics and clear structural;2.Creating “FangZheng” toform a comparison, making musical image brighter;3. Optimizing songs’ paragraph structure throughneatly repeats;4.Planning structure magnitude according to the development of musical conceives;5. Using pauses to well shape the structure and to integrate paragraphs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Guanqun, Song Words, Children Songs, Sense of Era, Art Styles
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