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On The Culture Diffusion Of Conficius Institue

Posted on:2013-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371486585Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The first Conficius Institue was set up in Korea in2004. As the Chinese-learning is becoming more and more popular, the Confucius Institue is now playing quite a big role in spreading Chinese culture. From what we have collected about the study on the Confucius Institue, we find that most of them focus on the traing of the teachers, the teaching technique and the teaching contents. But as a matter of fact, the languge teaching should attach more importance to the diffusion of the culture. Due to the complexity of which, the process of the diffusion will be difficult to deal with. The study was made from the perspective of the culture diffusion to analyse the concept of the Confucius Institue, the founding background and the characteristic of the diffusion, especially of the learners, the diffusion mode and the diffusion idea. The superiority and inferiority of the Conficius Institue have also been discussed in order to put foward a good diffusion strategy of it.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conficius Institue, the diffusion of Chinese culture
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