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The Germany-US Friction And Its Causes In Schmidt Period

Posted on:2013-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371480538Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The German-US relations is a microcosm of the70,80-European relations in theperiod of Schmidt, but also plays form a connecting link between the preceding andthe following role. For again-sting the Soviet Union in the Adenauer period, Adenauerfirmly staned on the side of the Western camp, attached to the United States,established the "special relationship". In the Brandt administration, abandoning theHall-stein doctrine-and implementing the "New Ostpolitik"for an overallimprovement in relations with the Eastern bloc. In The1970s and1980s, theEurope-US relations have undergone substantial changes, Europe’s external relationsbecame into neutral trend. Germany is the more prominent example of the period. Inspite of German still restricted from Cold War situations and were heavily reliant onthe United States on the fundamental security interest Under Schmidt, but therelationship between Germany and the United States were to show more frictions anddifferences in relation to political, economic, security and various fields. A series offriction between Germany and the United States was adjustment of the concerto in therelationship between Germany and the United States. The relationship betweenGermany and the United States was from the "special relationship" towards the"relatively equal partnership". It is the result of the Cold War decline and changes inthe comparative relations of Germany—US strength, it is also an inevitable trend ofdepth-development in European integration.This article is divided into four parts. The first part analyzes the specific frictionbetween Germany and the United States under Schmidt administration.Germany—US contradictions presents a character of sustained, one event succeedsanother. In the first half of the Schmidt period,the major contradiction between theFederal Republic of Germany with the United States mainly in the economic field,except for the dollar crisis caused the friction between the two countries, the twocountries also quarreled intently for competing for a nuclear reactor sold to theBrazilian business in1977. Roughly from1978, the Federal Republic of Germany andthe United States had serious differences not only in economy but also in manyaspects of political, diplomatic and so on. especially in the Federal Republic ofGermany’s vital security interests of mitigation policy and defense policy, the quarrelbetween the two countries reached an unprecedented intensity. The second part focuses on the background of German-American relations underSchmidt. the relationship between Germany and the United States is part of therelationship between Europe and the United States, and is closely linked with thedevelopment of European integration and the Cold War situation. In1967, theestablishment of the European Communities marks the European integrationupgrading to a new level, along with the deepening in the European Communities’internal integration and the expansion in1973, Europe’s strength is greatly enhanced.In the70s, the United States and the Soviet Union appear the nuclear parity andeasing of the Cold War, European dependence on the United States was greatlydiminished. At the same time, the Soviet Union actively implemented the detentepolicy to Europe, in particular the European Security Conference was held in1975,European political structure and the security situation fully settled down.consequently Providing the basis and space for Europe, particularly Germany’sindependent foreign.The third part is mainly on the US factor. Bogged down in the Vietnam War, theUnited States were badly hurt. In the70s, America’s strength greatly weakened andeconomic supremacy has been difficult to maintain, the widening trade deficit, thedollar continued crisis led to the collapse of the Breton Woods system. Hegemonywith the Soviet Union was in a relatively defensive, the major adjustment of relationswere more emphasis on "partnership" with Europe. With the weakening of control bythe United States to Europe, Europe particularly the European powers had becomemore and more obvious in the centrifugal tendencies, they continue to show thedifferences with the United States in national interests and world strategy.The fourth part focuses on the Germany factors of a series of friction betweenGermany and the United States in Schmidt. The Schmidt’s balance of power thinkingis based on alliances, relations with the United States and the European Community isthe cornerstone of the German Foreign, without the United States and the NorthAtlantic Treaty Organization, the balance of power and ease policy mention have noway. However, Germany had their own interest demands in economic, political andsecurity, and many places in conflict with US strategic interests. Germany’s growth instrength, and relations improvement with the East, the establishment ofGermany—France alliance and Status improvement in the Community makingSchmidt becoming increasingly self-confident on the handling of relations with theUnited States, and daring to express their own views, maintain and pursuit the interests of Germany.In the last section we can see the contradictions and differences betweenGermany and the United States were closely related to the international systemchanges, European integration development and strength contrast in the countries,despite the bitter quarrel and struggle between Germany and the United States, but therelationship did not exceed the alliance’s range. The friction between Germany andthe United States indicated that the deep differences within the Atlantic alliance isdeepening and German-American relations is comprehensive remodeling.
Keywords/Search Tags:The federal republic of Germany, The United States, Schmidt, TheCold War, European integration
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