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Summarized Rural Social Problems From "Quannong Wen" In Song Dynasty

Posted on:2013-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371471644Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, accompanied by the transformation of the research perspective.Under the guidance of the "bottom-up"view of history. Growing number of scholars more and more concerned about the history and reality in rural areas,agriculture and farmera "Three Rural Issues". Song Dynasty is the ancient Chinese society in transition. This period, the commodity economy has been an unprecedented development, especially the urban development of commodity economy. Villages in the human, financial, and material pulled out of the role. Thereby affecting the rural social and economic development and the development of the traditional interpersonal. This period compared to the relative calm the development of other social and historical history. More prone to certain social phenomena that run counter to traditional moral requirements. And therefore also more likely to see a drastic change in its social. Easier to understand their societies "abnormal" phenomnon. Combined with the land policy of the Song government "does not annexation" fueled, land can be traded freely and without restrictions. Further exacerbated by the concentration and circulation of land in the rural society in the Song Dynasty. With the land frequent circulation from the increased polarization between the rich and the frequent changes of social classes in the village. "For thousands of years field for eight hundred main", The instability of the property to increase the insecurity of the Song. When ancient people looked up helpless, often the help of trend unknown supernatural force. Therefore resulting in the Song Dynasty witchcraft and mysticism active faith. Role in promoting the great development of commodity economy and the Song government policy of domination. Presents an materialistic wind makes the Song Dynasty social. Rural society will inevitably be drawn into the storm. Followed by this, Traditional cohabitation fiscal extended family (clan), to reduce. That its scattered embellishment like exists in the Song dynasty society. Small families to increase and become the mainstream of the Song Dynasty social forms of family. The traditional extended family (clan) parental rights, prestige and weaken. Means that its supposed to be in cohabitation fiscal extended family (clan) control weakened. As a result, the traditional extended family (clan) scattered number of both total fiscal and private financial and loosely linked to the new family (clan). Later, the family production and lifestyle, as well as participation in economic activities,has to differ materially from the traditional extended family. Given the important position of the Song Dynasty in the entire history of the development of ancient Chinese we consider are:In this context, the Song Dynasty rural society in which important changes? The Song Dynasty rural social relations which the new changes? Song dynasty local officials to persuade agricultural culture "is to observe the great window, and data entry point of the Song dynasty local community. Therefore, we intend to advised"Quannong Wen "as a starting point. Combination of "Yi Jian Zhi"、"Ming Gong Shupan Qingming Ji"and other historical data and combined with existing research, be whatever explore rural social problems in the Song Dynasty. Trying to interpret the information of "Quannong Wen", The formation of a more comprehensive, systematic and accurate understanding of rural society in the Song Dynasty. Thus interpretation of the Song dynasty in the tide of commodity economy under the impact of rural social problems. Song Dynasty rulers rural society was emerging phenomenon an exclusion attitude. Trying to change the commitment to reconstruction of the traditional rural social order. "Harmonious" society in rural areas at that time to establish a traditional ethics. In the Song dynasty, rulers of the efforts? Did not these efforts work? In the end how? This is the article to be explored and described. We intend to rural social conditions of social change in the Song dynasty, which summed up by the interpretation of the rural social issues in the Song Dynasty, and then to explore the response measures taken by the Song Dynasty central government local officials in the face of this change. Rural social transformation is also very practical significance.Be divided into three parts of the introduction, body and summary.The introduction, we mainly discussed the topics of reason, the significance of the topic, Research, research methods. Defines the concept paper, and set up this study of ideas and research goals.The text is divided into four parts discussed issues around the following aspects:First, summaeized the families (clan) relationship from "Quannong Wen" in Song Dynasty: Relative to the traditional family (clan) meaning of ceremony as a link and the maintenance of way, with the Song Dynasty commodity economy, not only greatly to the development of the economic interests of status in the minds of most people increasing. Because the distribution of economic benefits and compete in the Song Dynasty Family (clan) members, reduces the status of the traditional justice ceremony, thereby affecting the cohesion between the centripetal force of the traditional family (clan) and a member of the family (clan), family (clan) of parentsprestige fell, a member of the family (clan) relationship before the Song Dynasty in the disorders and stressful situation. This is not only to the friendly coexistence between members of the family (clan) bring obstacles and hazards, and also to some extent to the stability of the countryside, the sound development of manufacturing resistance.Second,summarized the neighborhood relations from "Quannong Wen" in Song Dynasty:the possibility of the neighborhood because of the economic interests of the friction is greater than ever, produce friction of two results:on the one hand, the traditional neighborhoodthe mutual assistance system has been a certain degree of damage, and thereby to maintain the traditional rural social order and continue to produce a certain influence; the other hand, because of economic reasons, the possibility of mutual assistance by the Song Dynasty geopolitical compared to the previous generation of an increase. We can think:the increase in geopolitical and mutual assistance is the alternative to continue the mutual aid system in the traditional rural society. But the ground edge of the mutual aid is more in economic benefits on the basis of mutual help system is built up in the principle of reciprocity and mutual aid system, though perhaps it has a high-sounding reasons and name.Third, summarized the faifh of rural from "Quannong Wen" in Song Dynasty:prominent economic interests, affect the social development model of the folk beliefs of the Song Dynasty Village, began to highlight the economic function of various gods in the rural belief, the gods have informed market information and guidancefunction of people’s pursuit of profit orientation and behavior, people began to spend more money for the edge of things vegetarian feast, in order to obtain more economic benefits, these phenomena to some extent, resulted in the unnecessary waste.Fourth, to persuade"Quannong Wen" of the rural social order of the Song Dynasty reconstruction:the face of contrary to the will of the ruler of the phenomenon of rural society in the Song Dynasty, Song Dynasty local officials are committed to the reconstruction of the rural social order, trying to build a traditional societyharmonious society, their efforts, although sometimes with little success, but overall, has played a positive role.Summary part, for the summary of the body part of this article and summarized, as well as reflect on in order to form a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the writing of this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Quannong Wen", rural of Song Dynasty, social problems
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