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The Image Of Nanjing In Modern Literature(1927-1945)

Posted on:2013-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371471361Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nanjing is a famous cultural city with a long history. in 1927, National Government capital in there, entered a new stage for The modern literature writing of Nanjing. The establishment of the identity of the capital, First, Supplied a Creation Model of political identity for the literary construction of Nanjing image, the imagination of the modern nation-state and the attitudes to the National Government of the intellectuals, greatly affected The Literary imagination of Nanjing. Second, It provided a realistic opportunity for the refraction of the changes of the modern Nanjing in literature. The image of Nanjing is one side mirror, it refracts intellectuals’modern experience, cultural values, attitudes, aesthetic kind of prism. This paper examined the building and the transmutation process of the Nanjing literary image during the capital construction of ten years and the war eight years. pointing out the textuality,Complexity, diversity of the Nanjing imagine.Full text of introduction, conclusion, is divided into four chapters:The introduction of the significance of the study of the literary image of Nanjing, introduce the research situation, clarify topics reason, and to make a brief description of the content and research methods of this study.The first chapter examines the "new capital" image of Nanjing that represent the light and progress, full of hope and vigor in the literature of the twenties and thirties. Analyze the Forward-looking in time and comparison in space of the construction of this image. It is a "Collective imagination matter" of intellectuals who impacted by western modern political civilization and has a "national states" expectation. Is historical continuation of the progress, bright, independent, autonomous National Imagination that specific to urban imagination. At the same time, It is the result of National Government worked hard to pursue, to find the regime’s legitimacy, safeguarding the rule of stability, Therefore, It is the words conspiracy of Psycho-social and political power. This chapter also studied literature conformation of "Zhongshan" space, Such as Zhongshan Cemetery, Zhongshan Road, They have internal consistency with the constructed of "new capital" image.The second chapter analyzes the literary construction of the image of the "Lost City" in Nanjing. In ideological discourse, Nanjing has been portrayed as a "Lost City" that breeding ground, struggling without a soul, can not be pinned hopes for. The image of the "Lost City" is a concentrated display of the social and psychological anxiety in the national crisis, also the results of "New capital" imagine burst. From which we can look forward to the intellectuals’psychological changes from political experience to disillusioned, and their historical transformation of the attitude to the Kuomintang regime. The same time, this chapter attempts to use Qinhuai River as an example, analysis of the lost of Nanjing City character in the modern transformation, which also reflects the complexity of the writer to face modern psychology.In the third chapter, I studied the Nanjing imagine in the Left-wing discourse.the class writing mode, The theme of the destruction and rebirth, display of the edge of the city such as walls and gates,builded a sinful, hopeless Nanjing image. It express political intent obviously, to awaken the public and discourse support for class struggle.The fourth chapter analyzes the construction and bridging of "capital" and "home" double identity of Nanjing during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Whether depicting the Nanjing broken, the display of death and complaining, Nanjing Victims face grief, or full of nostalgic sense of "home" to imagine, is full of War complex entanglements of national psychology. Able to strengthen the identity of the "capital" and "home" in the war, and largely able to coincide in literature constantly chasing Burma and experience.Finally is the conclusion, it summarized the full text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nanjing, the capital, the evolution of image, modernization
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