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Gradually Opening World

Posted on:2013-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371469758Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From poetry to the novel, Hei ShaoLou to the town of Gong An , then to ShenNongJia, which is a very savage and mystery place, Chen Ying-song’s every changeof creation can be an open of his own world. We can see the development of literatureand history from the writer’s growth and transformation. This article tries to enter intothe writer’s heart by analysis of his works, and put it into the contemporary literature,then explore the writer’s great significance.The article is divided into two chapters. The first chapter explores the wholeprocess of Chen Ying-song’s literary creation, intends to make an overall descriptionof him. This chapter has four sections: the first section discusses Chen Ying-song’searly poetry creation and the style turning, then dig out the reasons of this change; thesecond section discusses the beginning of the writer’s novel creation , in this period ,Chen Ying-song’s novels mainly centre on such culture images as River, bank, ship ,and this part aims for finding out the underlying of these images; the third sectionaims to explore Chen Ying-song’s novellas in 1990’s, in this period , his works werefilled with the crack between the city and the village; the last section focuses on theseries novels of Shen NongJia , it is observed that, the series novels brings the writerto the apex of his career.The second chapter of the article focuses on Chen Ying-song’s novella creationart characteristics. Divided into two sections, the first section refers to the unique styleof the narration, such as, the frequent switching of the perspective, the nervous andoppression feelings of the narrative space; the second section points to the narrativelanguage of Chen Ying-song’s novels, such as, the use of unacquainted language, andthe decolonization process behind the various use of the narrative language in hisworks. The third chapter of the article is mainly about Chen Ying-song’s value in thehistory of Chinese contemporary literature, and the defects of his works. Divided intotwo sections, the first section refers to the value of Chen Ying-song’s creation in thehistory of Chinese contemporary literature, the second one deals with the defects ofhis works, such as the accumulation of the poetic language, and the mood’s strongintervention.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chen Yi-song, creative evolution, artistic characteristics
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