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The Study Of Shedian Ancient Town Sustainable Development

Posted on:2013-08-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330362470210Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
How to find a way of sustainable development to get a rational disposition ofkinds of resources in old towns by Tourism Development, by which not only protectsthe histories of old towns but also stimulates their development vitalitysuccessfully, then revivies their declining economy. It is a difficult question to mostof old towns across the country. So far there has been no exact answer to it in theacademic community, and there are many problems that had arisen in practice. Theprocess and result of old town tourism are in a bad state of exploration, research andevaluation.This thesis analyses the act of Shedian old town tourism according to DPSIRmodel, as well as tentatively sets up its System about Sustainable Development. Itmainly includes three parts: factor analysis of DPSIR model,the construction ofEvaluating Index System based on the analysis of DPSIR model, Research onSustainable Development Evaluation.(1) Based on the logic frame of DPSIR model and utilizing the practice of oldtown tourism, the thesis defines and analyzes the factor analysis of DPSIR model inseveral aspects: population, economy, society, ecological environment and so on.(2) With the decisive target and standard of sustainable development of Shedianold town tourism, based on the result of factor analysis of DPSIR model, taking thetheory of history and culture protection as the base and the idea of tourismsustainable development as guiding ideology, the theory constructs the sustainableevaluation index system of Shedian old town tourism. The system includes threelayers: objective, standard and element layer. Objective layer is the sustainabledevelopment of old town tourism; Standard layer is driving force system, pressuresystem, state system, influence system and response system; element level is madeup of sixty-seven concrete indicators under twenty-one elements.(3) The analysis of sustainable development of Shedian old town tourism. On thebase of Assessment Index System about Sustainable Development of Shedian oldtown tourism’s DPSIR model, and combining multiple factor composite indexassessment methods, the thesis makes quantitative and comprehensive sustainableevaluation on comprehensive system of DPSIR model developed from2006-2011ofShedian old town tourism and analyses the question from the level of sustainabledevelopment and system coordination in details. The level of sustainabledevelopment particularly analyzes the assessment result from two angles: system and assessment index, including the analysis of five subsystems’ sustainabledevelopment level as well as the analysis of index contribution degree. Systemcoordination analyses it from two aspects: the coordination of five subsystems andcoordination development coefficient.By analyzing the data evaluation of Shedian old town tourism, combining thepractice of old town development, the thesis not only verifies the feasibility andreasonability of the sustainable development of old town tourism, but also laysfoundation for the establishment of sustainable development control mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:tour to old town, sustainable development, Shedian ancient town
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