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On Lolita Complex Of Yan Geling’s Novels

Posted on:2013-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330362465984Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The history of the new North American immigrant literature has witnessed manyoutstanding writers for thirty years of whom Yan Geling excels in her novels revealingthe hard life and struggle for survival set in the conflicts between the east and the west.The cultural collision and blending reflected in her works drive us to rethink of andrecognize the relations between the oriental and occidental cultures, and to desire forbuilding a cultural bridge.It is found that there exists an esthetic model in her different works that the lovebetween the hero and the heroine with a distinct age gap didn’t conform to thetraditional moral standards, and each story often ended with a tragedy that one ofprotagonists departed or deceased. Such a model can be traced to the classic novelLolita with the similar story-telling structure. Yan Geling’s novels, however, are moreabundant in contents owing to a large span of time and space as well as variouscultural experiences and backgrounds, which, therefore, function better in elaboratingthe existing esthetic model than Lolita. Furthermore, many of her writings in contentreconstruct the historical memories and acknowledge the cultural identity so as tosubstantially penetrate into the exposure of sort of covert human nature including thepsychic twists and breakdown in an extreme setting, and show the deep humanitarianconcern. This impulse for creating novels is called Lolita complex.We are convinced that such a notion embodies the demand of revealing thecomplicated human nature for new perspectives, which helps to extend our horizon onthe probably neglected persons and perfect the notions such as Electra and Oedipuscomplexes and paedophilia. Lolita complex shows the discovery and the recognitionof the complex human nature reflected by the new immigrant literature including YanGeling’s works, and a new level of the deep humanitarian concern. Therefore, it is ofespecially great importance and value to the literature and its history.This paper based on the textual analysis of Yan Geling’s works puts up anddefines Lolita complex and finds the difference and the similarities respectively between it and Electra and Oedipus complexes and paedophilia. It also explores thereasons of its emergence and its manifestation, and is supposed to achieve theobjective and complete revelation of human nature in an extreme setting by describingthe marginal life of protagonists. It is expected that the world classics like Lolita canhelp to provide a brand new referred literary outlook for the followers with a modernview.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yan Geling, Lolita complex, textual analysis, human nature
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