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The Research On Medical And Health System Reform

Posted on:2011-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330395985561Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China has proposed building a harmonious society, health care reform andsocial development must also be consistent with the general trend. China is in thenew round of health care reform methods of exploration and trial stage, reforms canmake the public satisfied, related to social harmony and stability and sustainabledevelopment. China’s medical industry for many decades the winding road, there areachievements and lessons. At present, with regard to a number of medical and healthsystem reform ideas and practices, many are still with the medical and health lawsand the development requirements of the basic contradictions, it is difficult toachieve breakthroughs, for example, public health sector reform failed to grasp theessence of the issue, health care Reform in the commercialization, marketorientation is still very serious,"and encounter great" hard to ensure"accessibility".New-type rural cooperative medical system in the design also foundobvious defects, medical system reform issues, medical aid system building in thearea of some of the reform ideas and practices also needs further discussion.Therefore, further studies on China’s medical system reform has some theoreticalvalue and practical significance.In this paper, discourse, an analysis of medical and public health connotations,as well as the theoretical basis for health system reform, including public goodstheory, market failure and government failure theory, the theory of the third sector,and outlines the medical system in our country the need: to improve the quality ofthe needs is the need to build a harmonious society is to promote sustainableeconomic and social imperatives of development. Second, it analyzes the history ofour medical health system reform process and the results achieved, and the processof dialysis health care system that exist in the title.Including “doctor expensive” hasnot been resolved,“Doctor difficult”problems still exist, pharmaceutical productionand circulation disorder, and government functions, uncertain, and so, at the sametime to explain the reasons for the existence of these problems. Again, details of theUnited States, Germany, the United Kingdom’s experience in the medical and healthsystem reform and characteristics analysis of the impact of the revelation of ourmedical and health system reform: the establishment of level of economicdevelopment compatible with the medical and health system, the establishment ofcomplex medical and health system.The introduction of social capital, implementation of the medical separation of accounting and management policies,respectively. Lastly, the issue of China’s medical system reform, drawing on theadvanced experience of foreign countries based on the proposed promoting China’shealth care reform proposals: the establishment of a reasonable compensationmechanism in the medical and health institutions, reform and improve medical andhealth service system, should focus on role of the government a leading role,rationalizing the relationship between the government and the market.
Keywords/Search Tags:health care system, marketization, reform
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