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Analysis Of The Related Factors, Prophylaxis And Treatment Of Pharyngo-cutaneous Fistula Fottowing Laryngeal Cancer Surgey

Posted on:2014-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ShangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330395497900Subject:Clinical Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objection:To analyze the related factors,discuss the causes and prevention measures ofpharyngo-cutaneous fistula caused by laryngectomy.Methods:To retrospectively analyze the complete clinical data of355patients undergo laryngealcancer surgery from January2008to November2012in the first hospital of jilin university.To analyze the relationship between pharyngo-cutaneous fistula and the factors of sex, age,pre-operative radiotherapy, prior tracheotomy,tumor position, operation method,clinical stageof tumor,recurrence, comobidity with Chi-Square Test.Result:Among the355cases of laryngeal carcinoma,22cases were pharyngo-cutaneous fistulaafter operation, the incidence was6.20%. According to the statistical analysis results, thepredominant influencing factors in the causation of Pharyngo-cutaneous fistula are:pre-operative radiotherapy, prior tracheotomy, operation method,clinical stage oftumor,recurrence.Conelusion:The predominant influencing factors in the causation of pharyngo-cutaneous fistula are:pre-operative radiotherapy, prior tracheotomy, operation method,clinical stage of tumor,recurrence.For the laryngeal cancer patients with high risk factors, pay fully attention and takeactive treatments with the causes of pharyngo-cutaneous fistula in the preoperative, intra-operative and post-operative...
Keywords/Search Tags:Laryngeal cancer, laryngectomy, pharyngo-cutaneous fistula
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