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Analysis On The Effect Of Sudden Simple Serous Exudative Choroidal Detachment In Vitrectomy

Posted on:2014-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M XingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330395497165Subject:Clinical Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:To investigate the main factors the vitreous surgery the simple serousexudative choroidal detachment. To explore the significance of the suddensimple serous choroidal detachment exudative correct diagnosis and effectivetreatment surgery.Methods:Retrospective analysis from December2010to December2012the groupadmitted vitrectomy occurrence of the simple serous exudative choroidaldetachment surgery patients five general cases, five cases have been beforesurgery consultation and Ophthalmology related auxiliary examination, fundusexamination, there is no signs of choroidal detachment before surgery.Including retinal detachment patients with a diabetic retinopathy Ⅳpatients1,the diabetic retinopathy VI patients1(has been in the other eye vitrectomy),traumatic choroidal laceration accompanied cyclodialysis the patients with a, apatients with hypertension vitreous blood. Analysis of clinical data and relatedinspection, access to relevant literature and summarize the simple slurrypatients exudative chorioretinopathy out of the main factors, effective treatment,and triamcinolone acetonide application and its role in the surgical process.And, respectively, from the short-term and long-term visual acuity (VA),intraocular pressure (IOP) Evaluation surgery treatment effect.Results:the simple serous exudative choroidal detachment vitrectomy rare. Occurwith surgery in patients with elevated blood pressure, changes in intraocular pressure, surgical approach, the patient eye walk through the eye surgery andother eye surgery, patients with digoxin medication after pars plana vitrectomysurgery. Retrospective analysis of these5patients, found its intraoperativeblood pressure rise to varying degrees. Exudative choroidal detachment surgerysimple slurry the fundus performance is cutting the central axis and peripheralvitreous occurred involving of panretinal the brown red doming a doming alsobe two or more simultaneous.4of which were diagnosed immediately at thetime of surgery given to90cmH2O elevated intraocular pressure, lower bloodpressure, intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide, waiting for the dealwith effusion disappeared within half an hour to an hour to completevitrectomy surgery, another patient suspected hemorrhagic choroidaldetachment, close the incision, and the next day fundus examination completedno obvious choroidal hemorrhage signs vitrectomy surgery. Six months offollow-up, patients with diabetes with visual acuity less than0.1, the remainingfour cases of visual acuity in the0.2to0.8, all patients with intraocularpressure were within the normal range.Conclusion:(1) For the vitrectomy process simple serous choroidal detachment, takewait, raise the pressure within the eye, lower blood pressure, and topicalapplication of corticosteroids to promote choroidal below the liquidself-absorbed, oozing not further development of the above process to stabilizethe lesions, the prognosis is good.(2) to the intravitreal injection oftriamcinolone acetonide to reduce leakage.(3) adjusting the patient’s generalcondition, smooth intraoperative blood pressure fluctuations can reduce theprobability of occurrence.(4) surgery can increase the probability of occurrence of excessive intraocular pressure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vitrectomy serous exudative choroidal detachment, triamcinoloneacetonide intravitreal injection
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