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Explore The Law Of Goiter’s Prescriptions From Ancient Papers

Posted on:2013-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330395479125Subject:Integrative Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Goiter is the disease of the characteristic of enlargementon the both sides of laryngeal tuberculosis, what we called thyroiddisease today. With the development of society and the way oflifestyle changing, incidence of the thyroid diseases are rising.These diseases are influenceing people’s life daily life badly.Modern medicine treatment are mainly depending on ATDs, hormonereplacement,radiation therapy and surgery,but these therapies can’tcure the thyroid disease radically.The patients must receivelong-term treatment and suffer lots of side-effects. The traditionalChinese medicine has a long history of healing goiter and lots ofancient works have handed down with effective prescription which cantreat the goiters. This work has already gathered334prescriptionsfrom631ancient books and analyse the regular pattern of thoseprescriptions and the herbs’ functions in those prescriptions.Hopethis work do significance to clinical guidance. Research the nomination of the Hashimoto’s thyroiditis intraditional Chinese medicineBased on Hashimoto’s thyroiditis clinical characteristics and the Chinese ancient literature research, defined the name ofHashimoto’s thyroiditis into traditional Chinese medicine way.Hashimoto’s thyroiditis clinical manifestations varied, there arethree main stages: hyperthyroidism period, normal period,hypothyroidism period. Each stage will have its own Chinese medicinename.It is may great helpful to tradition clinical treatment whenwe standardized the Chinese name of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Analyse the dialectical treatment of acupuncture to the goiterGoiter is the disease of the characteristic ofenlargement on the both sides of laryngeal tuberculosis, whatwe called thyroid disease today. Our ancestors have known andtreated the goiter for over two thousand years, and it has arelatively complete system for diagnosis andtreatment.Acupuncture is the great treasure of traditionalmedicine, but its application for goiter isn’t enough atpresent.This paper will reference ancient and modern Chinesemedicine clinical treatment, hope it could be helpful to thepatients.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ancient papers, Thyroid disease, pattern of TCMprescriptionsHashimoto’s thyroiditis, goiterAcupuncture, Goiter
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