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Parameter Measurement Of Left Ventricular Mitral Apparatus

Posted on:2014-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330392460870Subject:Control Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the incidences of heart disease continue to increase, cardiovascular diseasehas become one of the global disease deaths. Parameter Measurement of mitral apparatus for leftventricular is important for diagnosis and surgical treatment of mitral valve disease, and thedevelopment and maturation of the dual-source CT technology contributes important image for thediagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease, parameter measurement and analysis of themitral apparatus also become possible. Therefore, the effective use of three-dimensional computerdisplay technology to extract the key points in the mitral valve device model parametermeasurement is an important foundation for computer-aided heart mitral apparatus diseasesdiagnosis and surgery planning.The three-dimensional display is the basis of the three-dimensional measurement. In recentyears, rapid development of the three-dimensional hardware makes three-dimensional medicalimage display technology begin to promote. Volume rendering algorithm for three-dimensionaltexture mapping and ray-casting method is the core of the three-dimensional computer displaytechnology.3D texture mapping run on the display graphics processing unit (GPU), and hasachieved parallel computing, they are able to achieve fast display rate. The overall display ofthree-dimensional cardiac data uses3D texture mapping method.Ray-casting method is used in the case of the design needed to display the details of thetransfer function for volume rendering. Using the ray-casting method based on CUDA platformrunning parallel architecture can take full advantage of the GPU massively parallel computingstream processors, frame rate can achieve real-time display, and a more realistic display of thedetails.Transfer function design is one of the key technologies in the three-dimensional display,transfer function can help users to more clearly show the region of interest. In this paper, weintroduce visibility histogram based transfer function design. First volume data preprocessingproposed in sight projection algorithm using the three-dimensional display of the cardiac datatransfer function of the heart based on the visibility of the histogram, and we propose asemi-automated method to determine the transfer function. By these methods, the user can transferfunction by adjusting the highlight part of interest, and can even be observed that many of thedetails of the cardiac cavity. Then, we take advantage of CUDA technology to accelerate thecalculation and display real-time dynamic display of three-dimensional cardiac data.Measurement of left ventricular parameters, including the projected area of the mitral annulushas an important significance for the measure of the patient’s heart function. The traditional CTmeasurement of parameters of left ventricular papillary muscle position calibration the mitralannular extraction encounter greater difficulty, so the effect is less than ideal, and complex methodrepeatability. This paper presents a new set of parameters of the measurement process of the left ventricle of the computer graphics, fast, accurate and effective mitral annulus and papillary muscleposition calibration. And by means of the GPU3D texture mapping method in thethree-dimensional display based on the three-dimensional access point. Experimental results showthat the proposed method improves the accuracy of the parameter extraction, and better reliability,can be used in clinical research.
Keywords/Search Tags:3D texture mapping, Ray-casting, Transfer function, Visibility histogram, Mitralapparatus, Parameter measurement
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