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Medical Students’ Moral Choice Contradiction Research

Posted on:2013-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330374974765Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Moral choice is a time-honoured issue,and is an inevitable part of human life.Medical students’ sacred professional values are influenced by various temptationsalong with the development of market economy and the increasing diversifiedemployment way and benefits. It makes medical students confuse about thedifference between the principal of medical ethic and social reality, and wave theirunstable morality. Many medical students are easily prone to cognitional conflictand the loss of moral choices since they can’t correctly get to know theirprofessional image before they worked as a clinic doctor.Various contradiction and perplex of the medical student’s moral choicesprocess was objectively analyzed by investigation. Which were divided into fivetypes as follows: the contradiction of moral cognition more than moral behavior, thecontradiction of unadapted various moral standpoints, the contradiction of perplexabout cognition of medical ethics’ responsibility, the contradiction of bothrepugnant and tolerance of malpractice, the contradiction between the medicalbehavior and the requirements of medical humanism under the present healthcaresystem. Also the causes of the above five types’ contradiction was analyzed.Four suggestions about medical ethics’ education and vocational educationwere proposed based on finding problem and analyzing its causes. First, to optimizemedical ethics’ education and identify its central status. Second, to optimize medicalatmosphere and establish honorable medical ethics style. Third, to cultivate medicalstudents’ medical ethics’ accomplishment and create correctly medical ethics’ idea.Fourth, to establish satisfactory social atmosphere and improve medical students’accomplishment.
Keywords/Search Tags:medical students, moral choice, contradiction
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