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The Wisdom Of Traditional Chinese Medicine The Complexity Research Of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Posted on:2013-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330374483946Subject:Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The modern transformation of traditional Chinese medicine research has been in a dilemma:on the one hand, it must use the theory and method of the modern science (including modern medicine); on the other hand, the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and modern scientific was significant, the former was under the guidance of the holistic approach and the modern science was under the reductionism, which made them have greatly "incommensurability", so that restrict the study. Fortunately, the emerging complexity research provides a new possible to the modern transformation of traditional Chinese medicine research.Complexity research was a new research fever since the Mid and Late20th Century, which initiated reform in natural science field and permeation to the philosophy and humanities and social sciences increasingly. We Chinese advocate that introduced the theory and method of complexity in modern research on traditional Chinese medicine actively, but a lot of the argumenta such as " Chinese medicine is science of complexity" is difficult to be established, and there is no systematic argumentation on " how the TCM complexity research to be possible ". How can the Chinese Pharmaceutical Science on the legitimate justification possible? How to realize the modern transformation of traditional Chinese medicine? How to finish the research on the complexity of traditional Chinese medicine? What can the complexity research bring for traditional Chinese medicine? And what can the traditional Chinese medicine bring to the complexity research? Dose the traditional Chinese medicine can contribute for medical science, so as to realize its universal? These problems are plaguing us.Before answer these questions, the paper summarized the difficulties in the modern transformation of traditional Chinese medicine research briefly, points out that in the modern transformation of traditional Chinese medicine, not only extremely pessimistic but also blind optimism, some even extreme conservatism to rejection of modern medical research.Secondly, the paper comparative analysis the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine and the study of complexity, pointing out the defects of traditional Chinese medicine manifested as uncertainty of natural philosophy, the limitation of the experience medicine and overall grasp. And explain some questions about what is the complexity research, characteristics of the complexity research, and different view about the complexity research as well as the problems on the research of the complexity.Thirdly, the paper discussed the possibilities of the combination of the traditional Chinese medicine and the study of complexity, pointing out in TCM complexity research, should not be obsessed with Yin Yang and five elements theory, but from clinical experience, from verification to analysis, from the analysis to find.Finally, the paper attempt to make a exploring research on the program of the complexity of traditional Chinese medicine. Pointing out that in the complexity of the traditional Chinese medicine research, we should change idea, face the complexity; We should take hand from the existing outcome, establish specific research boundary; We should be vigilant to the slough of the pseudoscience, and take a steady pace.We can use the combination method of reductionism and holism, searching for possible joint, pay attention to study on syndromes and research in traditional Chinese medicine, using the part to drive the integer.The complexity of traditional Chinese medicine is a philosophical problem and problem of science; it is a theoretical problem and problem of practice; ti is subjective demands and the objective needs. We believe that the TCM complexity research can " emerge" exciting achievements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traditional Chinese medicine, Complexity, Scientific research, Philosophical research
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