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Surgical Diagnosis And Treatment Of Tracheal Tumors

Posted on:2013-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W D MaFull Text:PDF
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Background:The purpose Primary tracheal tumors are a rare clinicaldisease, only2%of the entire upper respiratory tract tumors。NCI SEERdatabase, new cases per year is2.6/10. The male to female ratio is about4:1,benign adult incidence of less than10percent of children a healthy rate ofabout90%.Primary tracheal tumors insidious onset, the early lack of specificclinical symptoms,In the late stage of irritating cough, asthma, breathingdifficulties and other symptoms,So often clinically misdiagnosed as chronicpulmonary infectious diseases, bronchial asthma,The misdiagnosis rate ashigh as83.3%。MSCT pulmonary function and fiberoptic bronchoscopy andits clear diagnosis to provide a reliable basis。Tracheal tumors more than thetrachea is a high degree of obstruction, it is difficult to insert the tracheal tubeby mout Therefore, most patients lose the chance of surgical treatment.h,Ortracheal intubation may cause the tumor off the risk of suffocation caused by。Femoral artery, femoral vein catheterizationCPB,Because the method is simple,easy to operate, damage can quickly buildCPB。 Its mainly to avoidendotracheal intubation unexpected, to create the conditions for safeintubation;Avoid the complications of asphyxia,hypoxia and hypercapniaCPB downstream tracheal tumor resection can be an effective gas exchange,The lungs shrink, the surgical field open, almost full recovery of intraoperativeblood loss,Surgery safer anatomical conditions and the largest resection,Solve the conventional method can not be surgery。Explore the femoral veincatheterization, Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and efficacy of tracheal tumorsurgery。Method:Methods hospital1996.3-2009.6treated six cases of tracheal cancer patients for surgical treatment of the experience. Are the first underlocal anesthesia, the femoral artery and vein cut intubation, Femoral arteryfor blood vessels, the femoral vein for drainage pipe, concurrent cardiopu-lmonary bypass, vein and then inhaled compound anesthesia endotra-chealintubation, according to the different parts of the tracheal tumor to take adifferent technique surgery。The previous paragraph, the use of the transverseincision of the neck collar-shaped or " T "-shaped incision;The middle of theuse of the mediastinum middle split incision;Posterolateral thoracotomy morethan the next paragraph.Result:3Patients with satisfaction, and postoperative recovery was goodand no complications occurred.Conclusion:femoral artery and vein cannulation, cardiopulmonarybypass in tracheal cancer surgery, difficult airway management, good value,increase surgical safety, reduce risk factors for severe tracheal lesionsanesthesia to improve patients’ quality of life and prolong survival.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tracheal tumors, cardiopulmonary bypass, surgery, complications
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