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Study Of Portable Electric Stimulator And EEG Feedback Device

Posted on:2013-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H TongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330371968803Subject:Motor and electrical appliances
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In clinical applications, the use of electrical stimulation for treatment received a goodtherapeutic effect. With in-depth study of electrical stimulation therapy, the scope of theelectrical stimulation treatment is also widely expanding. Especially in the treatment ofneurological diseases, it plays the irreplaceable role to other medical treatment or surgicaltreatment. However, the electrical pulse therapy instrument which used in the past, mainlyby changing the pulse shape and amplitude to realized therapeutic purposes. During thetreatment, the pulse waveform and amplitude settings will no longer change. Biomedicaltheory shows that long repeated stimulation on the human body, the body will be tostimulate adaptation, leading to less effective treatment. In order to improve thetherapeutic effect, the subject use1/f wave to generate random pulse as a source ofstimulation by the random pulse to stimulate the patient, thereby regulating the abnormalEEG returned to normal. And we take the help of biofeedback technology to develop anelectrical stimulation rehabilitation treatment instrument based on the EEG feedback.Combine EEG biofeedback with electrical stimulation to realize EEG biofeedback control.Analysis of the therapeutic process in the medium-wave and the threshold size, and EEGfeedback send to the microcontroller until the EEG normal. Objective to stimulate thetreatment process directly through the feedback loop, it hasn’t the subjects ofpsychological intervention.In this paper, the design of the electrical stimulation system can output two-wayelectrical stimulation signal to generate stimulatory signals through the microcontrollercontrol. Electrical stimulation of some of the major by the microcontroller AT89S52, LCDmodule, D/A converter module, power amplifier module, button control module andpower supply circuit module composition. EEG acquisition part, by the EEG acquisitionmodule, combined with the host computer before the stimulus and after the EEGacquisition to storage. In Brain stimulation circuit design, we should take the analog signalfiltering, notch, zoom and other operations to effectively extract EEG in the complex noiseenvironment, and transmit the EEG signal into the computer to store, and then extract thesignal be compared with the threshold. In order to effectively extract the target EEG dataacquisition, EEG pre-processing circuit notch50Hz, common-mode rejection, multiplefiltering, and sequential signal amplification design. On the overall performance, the circuit with high input impedance and common mode rejection ratio, better interferenceimmunity, which can achieve an effective extraction of the brain wave signal.In Bethune International Peace Hospital, we realize installation and commissioning ofthe electrical stimulation and EEG feedback machine. The records of the patient’s EEGwere collected in clinical trials, EEG power spectral analysis of EEG before and aftertreatment with the brain atlas to make a comparative analysis. The results show thatrandomized electrical stimulation system of the controlled1/f-wave for the treatment ofinsomnia patients, can reduce anxiety in patients, with prolonged use of conventionalelectrical stimulation would be better therapeutic effect than the normal electricalstimulation.
Keywords/Search Tags:electrical stimulation, sleep disorder, power spectrum
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