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The Dao Of Bamboo A Study Of Bamboo Medicine And Health Preservation

Posted on:2013-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330371491151Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Taoism is the important cultural carrier of ancient Chinese scienceand technology, especially on medicine and health preservation. From theperspective of Taoism bamboo culture, I take a study of Chinesetraditional science and technology’s achievements in the paper.Taoism, whose core conception of creed is ’Dao’, gives a systemicexplanation for bamboo’s property, mechanism, function, etc; and madesome science and technology’s achievements.First, based on bamboo’s medical knowledge and technologyapplication, ancient Taoism made many achievements, from variousprescriptions to medicinal apparatus.Second, in the practice of bamboo theory, Taoism also made a lot ofachievements. Bamboos are essential food in ancient Taoism; in addition,Taoism also paid a great deal of attention to decorating surroundings withbamboo, which could play a positive role in the person’s psychology andthe mental health.As a whole, bamboo culture of Taoism is not only abouttechnological inventions, but also related to ancient Chinese religion,philosophy, aesthetics, ethics. Bamboo science and technology of ancientTaoism reflects the spirit of Chinese culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taoism, bamboo culture, medicine, healthpreservationcultural
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