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Analysis Of Clinical Characteristics Of157Patients With Endometrial Hyperplasia

Posted on:2013-09-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P L WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330371485557Subject:Clinical Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Endometrial hyperplasia is a common gynecologica ailment and isendometrial lesions caused by endometrial abnormalities, clinically manifestedby the irregular vaginal bleeding, the histopathological examination hasmultiple diagnostic criteria, part of which belongs to the endometrial carcinomaprecancerous lesion, the correct diagnosis and treatment has great significanceto prevent disease progression.Choosing157cases of patients with endometrial hyperplasia whohospitalized in No.1Hospital of Jilin University form2005January to2011June. which can be divided into simple hyperplasia group, complex hyperplasiaand atypical hyperplasia, according to the histopathological results. Atypicalhyperplasia is precancerous lesions, carries on the clinical analysis.Retrospective analysis of endometrial hyperplasia in patients with clinicalfeatures [including age, menopause, vaginal bleeding, comorbidities,B-ultrasound, etc.], compared the different situation of three groups of patients.The conclusion: The mean age of simple endometrial hyperplasia group are38±11, The complex hyperplasia group mean age are41±9, the atypicalhyperplasia group are46±8, Statistically analyzed each two groups of the threegroups of patients’ age, P <0.05, The age of the atypical hyperplasia group aregreater than the simple hyperplasia group and complex type hyperplasia group,and the age of the three groups has the trend of gradually increased. Patientswith endometrial hyperplasia are almost in peri menopausal period, in whichthe age group of40-55has totally98cases, accounting for62.4%; Theendometrial hyperplasia patients with menstrual changes or postmenopausalvaginal bleeding in patients has totally143cases, accounting for91%, Comparison of the three groups P>0.05, Vaginal bleeding has no obviousdifference; In the three groups, the patients with comorbidities (such asdiabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypertension, heart disease) are36casesin total, accounting for22.9%, In simple hyperplasia group patients withcomorbidities are18cases, In complex hyperplasia group has4cases, and inthe atypical hyperplasia group are12cases, patients in the atypical endometrialhyperplasia group has a higher rate of comorbidities occurrence than that ofthe simple hyperplasia group and complex hyperplasia group; Patients thatcolor Doppler ultrasound tip intrauterine visible echogenic foci are28cases, inthe simple hyperplasia group has10cases, in the complex hyperplasia grouphas6cases, and the atypical hyperplasia group has12cases, so the number ofpatients that with atypical endometrial hyperplasia ultrasound tip intrauterineecho mass is more than that of simple hyperplasia and complex hyperplasia.The statistical conclusion: Patients with endometrial hyperplasia arealmost in perimenopausal period, the average age of atypical hyperplasia groupwas significantly greater than that of simple hyperplasia group and thecomplexity hyperplasia group, and the three groups of age showed a graduallyincreasing trend, Endometrial hyperplasia patients are almost having thephenomenon that menstrual changes or irregular vaginal bleeding. Theincidence of complications and the ultrasound tip intrauterine echo mass of theendometrial atypical hyperplasia group is higher than the incidence of simplehyperplasia and the complexity hyperplasia group. The conclusion is theperimenopause abnormal vaginal bleeding patients should actively carry out thefractional curettage and hysteroscopy. The patients with B-ultrasound tipintrauterine echo mass should be alert to the possibility of endometrialprecancerous lesions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Endometrial Hyperplasia, Simple Hyperplasia, Complex Hyperplasia, Atypical Hyperplasia
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