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Clinical Observation Of Tanshinone ⅡA Sodium Injection For The Treatment Of Coronary Heart Disease

Posted on:2013-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330371483727Subject:Clinical Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Coronary heart disease is due to abnormal lipid metabolism, blood lipid calm in theotherwise smooth artery intima-white plaque accumulation in the arterial intima ofatherosclerotic lipids from these plaques gradually increased resulting inartery stenosis,blood flow obstruction, leading to ischemia of the heart, resulting in angina.With thecontinuous improvement of living standards, the incidence of coronary heart disease showeda trend of rapid growth. Coronary heart disease is caused by a variety of factors, these factorscollectively referred to as risk factors such as smoking, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia,hypertension, age, gender, family history, often associated with lifestyle, behavioral habits,positive and effective treatment and control of risk factors for CHD is an effective way oftreating coronary heart disease.Salvia is a perennial herb of the Labiatae, expansion of the arteries, increase coronaryblood flow, reduce the aorta, coronary artery intimal plaque formation, plaque rupture andthrombosis. In addition, but also to speed up the microcirculation of blood flow velocity,increase the role of capillary network.The tanshinone flavonoids, reduce whole bloodviscosity, plasma viscosity, plasma fibrinogen, blood hematocrit, the increase between thenegatively charged red blood cells, red blood cell surface exclusion, promote red blood celldepolymerization role.Tanshinone Ⅱ A sulfonate main component of cryptotanshinone,tanshinone Ⅱ A, hydroxy tanshinone ⅡA, and its mechanism of action by blocking theMGC macrophage-derived growth factor gene expression, thereby inhibiting vascularsmooth muscle cell proliferation and reduction of ischemic myocardial oxygen consumption,calcium antagonism.By scavenging oxygen free radicals in myocardial ischemia reperfusioninjury, played the role of antioxidant. By inhibition of IL-6, CRP and other inflammatoryfactors play a role in anti-inflammatory. Tanshinone thromboplastin inactivation and improvethe role of blood rheology. This will also reduce plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides andlow density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein content, with lipid-lowering effects.Objective: Investigate the efficacy of the treatment of coronary heart disease tanshinoneIIA sodium and further clarify the impact of coronary heart disease risk factors of coronaryheart disease. Method: Selected55cases of patients received treatment in hospital, of which45casesof coronary heart disease patients in our hospital, our clinic10cases of non-coronary heartdisease patients.20cases of45patients with CHD after admission application tanshinone IIAsodium treatment for the tanshinone group; apply in addition to tanshinone IIA sodiumoutside the conventional treatment for the conventional treatment group after admission,25patients with CHD.10cases of out-patient non-CHD patients as the controlgroup.Tanshinone group in the conventional treatment on the basis of parameters ketone IIAsodium80mg+0.9%sodium chloride250ml intravenous infusion once a day, the applicationof10-14days.Tanshinone group and the conventional therapy group Blood samples infasting serum lipids [of TG TC, triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, LDL-C, highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol, HDL-C, apolipoprotein A1(ApoA1and), apolipoprotein B(ApoB), the lipoprotein aLp (a)] and75g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), the C-reactiveprotein (CRP).10cases of out-patient non-CHD patients as the control group were persuadedto extract these indicators in the outpatient OGTT test free.Tanshinone group medication10-14days after the morning again to extract the TC, TG and LDL-C, HDL-C, ApoA1, ofApoB, CRP and Lp (a) for comparison with that before medication. The data wereSPSS13· statistical software for analysis. Measurement data, expressed as mean±standarddeviation (±s), the same group before and after treatment were compared using pairedsamples t-test; count data rate, said using χ2test. Data among the groups compared with thesingle factor analysis of variance. Inspection level a=0.05, P>0.05difference notstatistically significant (P <0.05) difference was statistically significant.Results:1)Basic clinical data for comparison tanshinone group, the conventionaltreatment group and control group in coronary heart disease risk factors, tanshinone groupand between the conventional treatment group difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). The Tanshinone group compared with the control group, smoking historyhistory ofhypertension was statistically significant (P <0.05). the conventional treatment groupcompared with the control group, smoking history was statistically significant (P <0.05).2)three sets of blood lipids, blood glucose, CRP levels: of Tanshinone group compared with thecontrol group of ApoB and LDL-C and FPG level was significantly higher (P <0.05),statistically significant; conventional treatment group and controlgroup, LDL-C, ApoB, CRPlevels was significantly higher (P <0.05), statistically significant; tanshinone groupcomparison with the conventional therapy group (P>0.05), no statistical significance.3) tocompare blood lipids and CRP in the tanshinone group before and after treatment, after treatment LDL-C and CRP levels lower than before treatment (P <0.05), statisticallysignificant.4) glucose classification of45cases of coronary heart disease patients (theTanshinone group+conventional treatment group), and abnormal blood lipids, CRPcomparison. Blood sugar in patients with coronary heart disease is divided into a group ofdiabetes, impaired glucose tolerance group and the normal blood glucose group, the diabeticgroup compared with normal blood glucose group, the TC, TG and ApoB/ApoA1and CRPlevels significantly higher than normal blood glucose group (P <0.05). statisticallysignificant; impaired glucose tolerance group with normal blood glucose group compared tothe TG and ApoB/ApoA1, CRP levels was significantly higher (P <0.05) was statisticallysignificant; diabetic group with impaired glucose tolerance group. ratio,(P>0.05), notstatistically significant.Conclusions:1) tanshinone IIA sodium lipid, anti-inflammatory role has been furtherconfirmed. Tanshinone can effectively improve the CRP, is also a means ofanti-atherosclerosis.2) compared with TC, TG, apolipoprotein concentration is relativelystable and can more objectively reflect the ability of patients with lipid metabolism. TheApolipoprotein than lipid determination, but not replace the lipid determination.3) impairedglucose tolerance and type2diabetes, like the risk of subclinical inflammation, andincidence of cardiovascular events related to inflammation of the state of impaired glucosetolerance intervention is necessary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tanshinone ⅡA sodium, coronary heart disease, C-reactive protein, impaired glucosetolerance
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