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Epidemology Of Hypertension And Associated With Risk Factors In The City Of Dehui In Jilin Province

Posted on:2013-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330371483205Subject:Clinical Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence, awareness, treatment and controlof hypertension and risk factors in Jilin Province of China.Methods: The cross-sectional, population-based study was conducted inthe city of Dehui, a city-level division of Jilin Province of northeast China.Dehui has a population of807,000, in14towns (urban) and308villages (rural).The economic status of the county is above mid-level compared to other areasin Jilin Province. And9villages and11towns were selected from14towns and308villages in the city of Dehui by random sampling. The sample size (n) wascalculated based on a18.8%prevalence (π) of hypertension with a2%uncertainty level (E), using the formula (:95%confidence,=1.96; E: sample error, π:overall rate. We therefore estimatedthat this would necessitate studying1,466~5,864subjects. A total of6,043eligible subjects were selected from the district. Eventually, a total of3778subjects accepted questionnaires and physical check-ups in this study. Everyparticipant has to rest for5minutes before measuring the BP in sitting position,the mercury sphygmomanometer is used to measure the BP. In our study, allBP measurements were taken with subjects in the seated position. The presentstudy estimates are based on the mean of three measurements taken withsubjects in the seated position. All the blood test were measured with aSynchron LX20auto analyzer (Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA, USA) by thedepartment of clinical laboratory of the First Hospital of Jinlin University.Logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors of hypertension.Results: The prevalence of hypertension is41.0%in this area. Theawareness, treatment and the control of hypertension are8.95%,6.38%,0.45%, respectively. The prevalence, awareness, treatment and control rates ofhypertension in city and rural areas are25.60%,5.80%,4.26%,0.21%;15.40%,3.23%,2.12%and0.24%, respectively, which exhibits significant differencesbetween city and rural areas (P<0.05). Among the farmer, the prevalence ofhypertension is lower than the worker, teacher and self-employer, but there isno significance between the teacher, worker, self-employer and govementofficial(P>0.05). In the high salt intake group, the prevalence, awareness andtreatment is higher than the low salt intake group, but no significance betweencontrol of hypertension, and the P-value is P<0.001, P=0.004, P<0.001andP=0.361, respectively. For the vagetarian group and meat group, there is nosignificant difference for the prevalence, awareness, treatment and control ofhypertension. For the drink, the non-alcohol intake group and low-alcoholintake group is obviousely lower than the moderate-alcohol intake group(P<0.01) and high-alcohol intake group (P<0.05). But there is nosignificance between the non-alcohol intake group and low-alcohol intakegroup(P>0.05)。Among hypertensive people, the incidence of obesity, T2DMand dyslipidemia is higer than nomentesive people.Binary logistic regressionanalysis indicated that the relative risks (Odd Ratio [OR],95%confidenceinterval [CI]) contains age(OR:1.06,95%Cl:1.05-1.06),gender(OR:1.56,95%Cl:1.29-1.90),Diabetes mellitus (OR:1.56,95%Cl:1.17-2.10),dyslipidemia(OR:1.62,95%Cl:1.39-1.88),central obesity(OR:2.24,95%Cl:2.07-2.82), drinking(OR:1.24,95%Cl:1.01-1.52), familyhistory of hypertension(OR:1.95,95%Cl:1.55-2.45)and type of work (OR:1.04,95%Cl:1.01-1.08).Conclusions:1. The prevalence of hypertension is higher in Jilin Province than otherareas in China, but the rate of awareness, treatment and control are lower. 2. There is difference for the prevalence of hypertension between areas:compared to the rural area, the prevalence of hypertension is higher in urbanarea.3. There is difference for the prevalence of hypertension betweenoccupations: among the farmers, there is the lower prevalence of hypertensioncompared to the workers, teachers and self-employer.4. In the high salt intake group, the prevalence of hypertension is higherthan the low salt intake group; The prevalence of hypertesion in non-alcoholintake group and low-alcohol intake group is lower than moderate-alcohol andhigh-alcohol intake group.5. Among hypertensive people, the incidence of obesity, T2DM anddyslipidemia is higer than nomentesive people.6. The risk factor of hypertension contains age, gender, DM, dyslipidemia,central obesity, drink, family history of hypertension, type of occupation anddaily ciggarte consume.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hypertension, Prevalence, Jilin, Northeast
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