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The Access System Of Medical Services Investment Market

Posted on:2011-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z LiFull Text:PDF
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Social security system constantly perfecting, also brought awareness of medical services more needs, including not only general medical treatment also covers the daily life of healthcare, institutional, and other reasons, our medical services market is still growing. It is precisely because of the demand for medical services, more and more capital into the medical services industry, but for capital access requirements but missing in China related to the legal provisions, thus, enhancing access to legislative and institutional improvement has become a serious problem. To strengthen the supervision and management of the medical market, hospital management into legal track, is in accordance with the ruling of the strategy, building a harmonious socialist society, realize sustainable development strategies, improving administrative capacity building requirement. Therefore, the need to strengthen our medical access market legislation, increase the system’s implementation.This article from our current medical services exist on investment patterns and will my investment patterns and foreign investment models for comparison, affirmed the priority of foreign investment. After further discussion on abroad in such open medical services market is how to ensure the normality of medical institutions and medical quality, further over to the medical care access system of necessity and urgency, only good feasible access system can fundamentally guarantee a smooth development of the health care system. Secondly medical access system is a major focus of this article, only the clarity of a system for the State, for the entire national means to let access system in a country with a foot. Our current medical access system was also very imperfect, not only at the legislative level is low, but obviously there is differential treatment. How to develop safe and effective medical services market access system and integration with external systems is an innovative idea to this article.Articles addressing access system section first presents the current in the medical services market control deficiencies and unreasonable, will issue first, and then successive analysis of other States in adjusting medical investment market of advanced practice. Including the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States medical access system elaboration: the United Kingdom and other countries compared to the medical system mode, the United Kingdom model highlights the Central Government’s centralized management, the Government representative of totalitarian management mode, and therefore on the private capital access restrictions concern not many; and Germany is a statute and the complex of the country, many legal norms for the regulation of behaviour; United States belong to the typical open countries, funds into not too many limits. Finally, the article continues the above content on how foreign practices taking our basic conditions, the system out of the reasonable and legitimate medical services investment market access system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Market access system, medical treatment, Accessing supervision
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