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Temporal Lateral Approach Under Microscopic Anatomy And Clinical Application

Posted on:2012-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Z LiuFull Text:PDF
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Objective:Lateral approach under the temporal analysis (including: the amount of orbital zygomaticinfratemporal approach; by the temporal suboccipital transtentorial approach; temporalanterior through the rock) and associated microscopic anatomy of the relationship between thenerve was observed in surgery operation using the lateral approach for resection ofinfratemporal middle cranial fossa and petroclival lesions of the effect of surgical applications.The approach of the anatomical hierarchy and scope of clinical surgery, approach difficult, toincrease the level of surgical operation, as much as possible to reduce the incidence ofcomplications after surgery the corresponding means of prevention.Method:Dead specimens of15adult head (30sides), with10%formaldehyde, washed underwentcarotid artery vascular and vertebral arteries with red latex perfusion, jugular vein infusion ofblue latex to simulate the temporal lateral approach, under the microscope measuring therelationship between the important anatomical structures. With9cases of the use of temporalsurgical lateral approach under clinical data from each of the patients with craniotomyapproach, position, close to the tumor, and fully exposed to the tumor resection andpostoperative complications and the analysis, summarized under the anterolateral temporal ofclinical experience.Results:Under the lateral approach using temporal resection of petroclival area and the middlecranial fossa tumors revealed a clear vision, complete tumor resection, postoperativecomplications.1, the amount of orbital zygomatic subtemporal approach after transection ofthe zygomatic arch broken away from the operative field before the increase compared toexpand operations perspective, the organizational structure of space revealed clear cut path toreduce the footprint of the operation.2, temporal suboccipital transtentorial approach throughthe operation of a small stretch of the temporal lobe, Labble vein damage, cerebral edemaafter light, curtain up and down the structure revealed a clear, cut the tentorium to avoid nerveinjury.3, infratemporal approach through the rock before grinding in addition to DayDiamond District to increase the operative field, reducing the risk of facial nerve injury,surgical operation on the path to shorten the ventral brain stem. Conclusion:Infratemporal lateral approach to meet the different parts of the lesions of exposure,while invasion of the intracranial, subdural more thoroughly inside and outside the tumor.Observed in a wide range of patients can be under direct vision to maximize the protection ofthe nerves and blood vessels, effectively reduce the incidence of complications. Theprocedure uses a wide range of the middle cranial fossa, the saddle area, slope area, theinterpeduncular fossa and cavernous sinus tumors can get a good exposure, to obtain goodsurgical results.
Keywords/Search Tags:Infratemporal approach, Microdissection, Clinical application, Surgery
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