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Inversion Model Based On The Conductivity Of The Surface Soil Of The Quantitative Parameters

Posted on:2014-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T NiuFull Text:PDF
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Soil salinization soil is a widely distributed environmental disaster, as thepopulation increases, expanding arable land and irrational use of water resources, soilsalinization has become a worldwide environmental problem, but also contribute toglobal soil degradation and desertification.One of the main factors. Salinizationhighlight the growing disaster, not only cause soil compaction, decline in soil fertility,increased soil erosion, destruction of resources will result in losses to agriculture, aserious threat to the stability of the biosphere and the ecologicalenvironment. Sinkiang total area of8.476×106hm2.In the existing farmland, thereare31.1%by salinization hazards.Especially in the southern region of farmland soilsalinization phenomenon, although in the year to reduce, but on the whole has notbeen fundamentally curbed, on the southern oasis of sustainable development ofagriculture pose a serious threat.Soil salinization, the more serious in their soil grownplants suffer the adverse effects of the more obvious, and the results will lead to theformation of desertification.Arid oasis soil salinization degree susceptible to theeffects of seasonal precipitation produce larger changes in the rainfall shortage inApril and September, with plenty of rainfall, soil salinization there is an obviousdifference.Therefore, to the oasis region of soil salinization spatial variations in different seasonsand time variability studies for the master arid oasis soil salinity variation, to preventfurther desertification and soil degradation, and promote the sustainable developmentof oasis agriculture, maintaining oasis the stability of the ecological environment hasimportant significance.Most of the arid zone past spatial and temporal variations of soil conductivity studiesconfined to a small area of the region, in a large area can not provide accurate spatialdistribution of soil salinization information.Magnetic-inductive ground conductivitymeter (EM38) is a non-invasive measurement techniques, operation fast and simple,can provide sufficient data to improve the measurement accuracy.EM38technologyhas become the most reliable and the most frequently used spatial variation of soil electrical conductivity measurement method, EM38can be measured directly at thesurface of apparent soil electrical conductivity, salinity abroad in the EM38and otherproperties of soil survey and mapping has been a lot of research and and achievedgood results.Earth remote sensing technology as a resource surveys, environmentalmonitoring, a new means of detection, with a wide range of observations, informative,short update cycle, etc., have been widely used in the investigation and monitoring ofsoil salinization.Remote sensing technology can provide real-time and spatialinformation, the use of remote sensing technology and EM38conductivity detectorstudying soil salinization greatly superior to the traditional methods of investigation.This study investigated the use of remote sensing and magnetic induction conductivitymeter (EM38) technology combined with a typical semi-arid soil electricalconductivity to investigate temporal and spatial variations in order to reveal thevariation of soil electrical conductivity, electrical conductivity inversion modelestablished for salinization provide effective quantitative remote sensing methods.Bycombining quantitative parameters of surface conductivity and soil information toestablish soil conductivity inversion model, enabling the rapid mapping of soilsalinization, help to evaluate, analyze soil salinization hazards dynamic changesproposed control measures can effectively reduce the losses caused by disasters, assalinization of soil monitoring, forecasting, governance provides a new technicalapproach. In addition to the study Wei-Library oasis soil salinization evaluation,improvement and utilization to provide a theoretical reference and scientific basis forassessing soil salinization in the region the development of great significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:surface quantitative parameters, electromagnetic induction, conductivity, inversion model
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