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Taxonmy Of The Wood-Inhabiting Marine Fungi On The Mangrove In Intertidal Beach Of South China Sea

Posted on:2013-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2233330377961284Subject:Plant pathology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Our country possessing vast sea waters,aim to preliminary investigate the species anddistribution of the mangrove wood-inhabiting fungi in the tidal-flat area of NanHai, At thesame time, the mangrove wood-inhabiting fungi were examined, isolated and preserved for thefurther use of wood-inhabiting fungi resources.During past three years from November,2009to March,2012, about500driftwoodsand intertidal wood in the mangrove national natural protection area of Gaoqiao andTecheng Isle,Zhanjiang and Dongzhaigang, Hainan.The specimens were exaxmineddirectly whlle it is still fresh and moist under the Stereo-microscope or incubated in themoist boxes. We adopted morphological and molecular methods to identify the fungi,3classes9orders17familfes27genera and32species of wood-inhabiting marine fungi were identified.Among of them, ascomycetes31,96.8%,15belongs to Dothideomycetes,15belongs toSordariomycetes, unperfect fungi1.New recorded species:Biatriospora marina.New recorded species in marine:Dictyosporiμm taishanensis.Species have been previously reported from China:Aniptodera limnetica, Aniptoderaintermedia, Anthostomella palmicola, Astrosphaeriella stellata, Dactylospora haliotrepha,Kallichroma tethys, Leptosphaeria graminis, Lignincola longirostris, Marinosphaeramangrovei, Melanopsamma pomiformis, Pestalotiopsis microspor, Saccardoella macrasca,Stemonitis axifera, Valsa ceratophora, Verruculina enalia. At the same time, Aigialusmangrovei, Astrosphaeriella stellata, Didymosphaeria lignomaris, Nemania maritima,Pontoporeia biturbinata, Quintaria lignatilis, Rhizophila marina, Saagaromyces glitra,Trematosphaeria pertusa, Vaginatispora aquatica only be recorded in HongKong andTaiWan in china.
Keywords/Search Tags:mangroves tidal-flat area, wood-inhabiting fungi, Morphological Characteristics, identification
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