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Research And Application Of CMF Design On Hisense Air Conditioning

Posted on:2014-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330398960987Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of modern economy, the constant increase of scientific level and the gradual maturation of industry technological level, the competitiveness gap of the price, Structure, function and the function innovation is narrowing, consumers demand for the products is changing, as a result, products exterior design present a diverse developing tendency, such as, localization, serialization, personalization and so on.CMF is the abbreviation of colors, materials and finishing. CMF design studies both to enrich the product image and to form a series, but also enhance the external value of the product, for enterprises to enhance the market competitiveness of great significance. In recent years, major companies and design institutions in order to enhance the competitiveness of their products, to extend the product life cycle, expanding the brand image, and increased product form,"gene" re-engineering and research efforts.The research project in this thesis is from Hisense industrial design center, CMF Design institute. This institution requires the designer to CMF design, depending on the project and brand requirements to determine the shape of different visual and tactile experience, and can effectively avoid the blind product development, reduce production costs, improve production efficiency, to meet the modern consumer based on the needs, the maximum increase in corporate profits.This paper mainly CMF as the main object of study, the research process proposed CMF design principles and methods, and creates a more complete CMF design flow chart to guide design practice. In this paper, the constituent elements of the decomposition of CMF, the CMF decomposition of the constituent elements is conducive to more in-depth understanding of the importance of design CMF for guiding modern product design has important practical significance. CMF-based design principles and methods as Hisense Air CMF design guidance, according to the project requirements and brand positioning, the designer of the target consumer objects lifestyle, lifestyle, cultural practices, such as consumer-depth investigation and analysis concepts.Based on Hisense86H-3cabinet air conditioning project requirements, design flow in CMF under the guidance of a systematic exposition of the Hisense86H-3cabinet air conditioning CMF design creation process. The design process, has generated a variety of design options and conversion, through its discussions and revisions, and final evaluation will be "fashion" champagne program as a final sample results.In this paper, the design research process CMF has raised eye movement experimental method and the semantic differential method as the article CMF design evaluation methods. Eye movement experimental method and the semantic differential method is mainly used in case of the final project evaluation stage effects. Experimental method is mainly based on eye movement eye movement equipment, through experiments in the form of changes in the human visual tracking, and real-time analysis of the experimental data a sensory evaluation method. Semantic differential method is a method of psychological measures, mainly through questionnaires in the form of consumer psychology research methods.This paper describes the system design concept CMF, CMF design principles a nd methods, CMF design constituent elements, CMF design flow, CMF design re search, Hisense86H-3cabinet air conditioning CMF design case creation process, CMF design case evaluation process and other content, CMF focuses on the de sign methodology, CMF and CMF constituent element design design evaluation, c ombined with relatively integrity Hisense Air projects CMF application of design techniques flowchart.Based on the above results CMF designers must not only have the basic desig n capabilities, need to have the right colors, materials and surface treatment proc esses keen observation of the latest information, collecting and research planning capabilities.
Keywords/Search Tags:product design, color, material, surface treatment
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