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Research Of The Process Of Oil Spill Underwater From Damaged Fishing Vessels Based On Dynamic Leakage Source

Posted on:2014-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W B ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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China has the largest number of fishing vessels (1.06million) in the world. As somany fishing vessels and the fishing vessels are equipped poor, they may crashed, groundedor fired in the proceeding of fishing. These accidents probably cause oil spill. Once the oilspill occurred, positive action measures and activate contingency plans should be taken toreduce the impact of the oil spill on the marine environment to a minimum. Thedetermination of the right amount of oil spill and the forecast of oil spill track are thepremise of the emergency action. So studying the process of underwater oil spill frombroken fishing vessels has practical significance. The subject of oil spill from oil tankvessels has been studied, however, there is no study about underwater oil spill from fishingvessels so far. In the situation of studying oil spill from tank vessels, the final amount of oilspill was estimated, but the dynamic process of oil spill from broken to sea surface wasignored. In CFD, two-dimensional modeling method was selected to simulate the process ofoil spill from oil tank vessels. To those shortages, this paper presents a method based on thedynamic process of underwater oil spill from broken fishing vessels. This method not onlycan describe the whole process of oil spill, but also account the oil volume and oil speed atany second as well as the track of oil with its relocation diffusion. In CFD,three-dimensional modeling method was selected to study the process of oil spill frombroken fishing vessels. Thereby the simulation result will be more visible.In experimental study, the model was sat by the theory of fluid similarity. And themodel tank was scaled according to geometric similarity, the experimental oil was selectedby hydrodynamic similarity, respectively. Pressure and height in the tank was captured bypressure sensor and height sensor. Camera was used to get the visible result of oil spill. Inthis experiment, the mechanism of the process of underwater oil spill from broken fishingvessels oil spill was studied firstly. After catching the mechanism, the effect of broken sizewas studied. In CFD, Gambit was used to partition the field of simulation, and Fluent wasused to calculation. The process of oil spill under different mesh sizes and models wasresearched too.The results showed that the pressure difference between oil and water at the brokenlead the oil outflow. After study the effect of broken size, we got that the broken size hassignificant effect on oil spill speed and duration, but have no effect on oil outflow volume.The CFD result showed different mesh had a significant influence on the computing timesimulation, but it had slight effect on the result. While in different models, it also had slight effect on the result, and PISO’S computing time was shortest.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynamic Leakage Source, Fishing Vessels with Broken Container, UnderWater Oil Spill, Model Experiment, CFD
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