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The Contemporary Expression Of The Architecture Promenade Space

Posted on:2013-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ShenFull Text:PDF
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Le Corbusier in twentieth Century use a revolutionary way to design the building,from the house, museum, art center to the church. He continued to space explorationhas changed its construction and people’s life. He has called some of his buildingworks as the‘Promenade Architecture’. This theory has far-reaching influence. Theauthor examines ‘Promenade Architecture’ with the clues "Promenade" and foundmany outstanding architectural works interpretation of the ‘Promenade Space’ inmany different way.The "Architecture Promenade Space" evolved from the "PromenadeArchitecture". It can provide a space to the people crossing and traveled to participatein building.In the process of moving, human can use visual, auditory, tactile, or otherbehavior to interact and dialogue with the space itself, it does not require toindependently undertake the construction of a specific function, but also do not haveto follow a standardized and unified model, showing different forms of expression indifferent buildings.This article focuses on two aspects of the "Architecture Promenade Space"evolution, material factors and theoretical basis to analyze and to dig deeper into theinternal structure and the design differences of East and West "ArchitecturePromenade Space" by comparing different era space design performancecharacteristics. Try to interpret the classic architecture of Le Corbusier, RemKoolhaas, and SANAA Architects and other design cases, think about the heritage andevolution of the relationship between architectural works of the20th century andsome well-known contemporary architects work, in order to analyze the differentgeographical expression of "Architecture Promenade Space" in this day and age.Combination of the project practice I to participate in during the study, bring thetheory back to the local architectural design practice, strive to experience themethod of the characteristics of the "stroll" around a real project in space design,found insufficient to provide some reference for the present and the future ofarchitectural design and thinking.A clear understanding of the gap of contemporary Chinese architectural designwith other countries and reflect on the gap causes in order to make up the shortage inthe future learning process. Aim for the responsible Architectural design based on our own historical foundation characteristics and constantly follow up the development ofthe times.
Keywords/Search Tags:Promenade Architecture, Architecture Promenade Space, Rational, Park, Freedom, Permeate, Experience
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