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Research On The Design Of Modern Lingka

Posted on:2013-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330392958494Subject:Landscape architecture study
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With a long history of development, Lingka is the name of Tibetan artificialgarden, which is the main place for the outings of Tibetans and plays an important rolein their daily life of leisure. In the growth of modern urbanization of Tibetan area, thedemand of the improvement of urban environment makes the needs of Lingkas greater.Because of the lacks of understandings of Lingka, and also the particularities of itsnatural and cultural background, designers will be often confused about the design ofmodern Lingka while facing it. The article has researched about the design of modernLingka from theory to practice, trying to give an answer to the design question of thedesign of modern Lingka.First of all, the article have had a research on the development of Lingka by casestudy on traditional Lingka, modern Lingka and also gardens of Himalayan CulturalDistrict, focusing on the design ideas, design elements and design taboo of traditionalLingka. After that the article summed up the guidelines of design of modern Lingka.Following the study on the theory, the article has done the design research throughthe design practice on Jiana Linka in Jiana Mani Stones Piles of Xinzhai of Yushu. Thiscase is an important project of the rebuilding of Yushu after the earthquake, whichfaces some extensive and representative problems of modern Lingka design along withthe contradictions and urgency of the natural and cultural characteristics anddeveloping pressure of its own and can be a meaningful reference of applying theory todesign as a practical project. The design firstly has an understanding about the wholearea and goes further to the awareness of the ecology, culture and the urbandevelopment of the site, than design the Lingka with the knowledge and ideas from thestudy of theory. This design tries to have the spirit of traditional Lingka inherited andcombine it with the modern demands to create things new to give an answer to itsdeveloping pressure in the future, at the same time accord to the traditional aestheticand modern life of the Tibetans.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lingka, Jiana Mani Stones Piles, Traditional, Modern, DesignResearch
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